Meetings of delegation of Members of the U.S. House of Representatives with Albanian politicians

Meetings of delegation of Members of the U.S. House of Representatives with Albanian politicians

17:29, 11/05/2017
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A delegation of Members of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Bob Goodlatte, visited Albania on Wednesday, where they highlighted the U.S.- Albania strategic partnership, the importance of the country’s judicial reform, and regional issues. Representatives Steve King, Matt Gaetz, Dave Trott, David Cicilline, and Peter DeFazio joined Goodlatte, who serves as the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, in meetings with President Bujar Nishani, President-elect Ilir Meta, Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati, and Opposition Leader Lulzim Basha.
The members of the delegation urged all parties to come together and work out their differences and continue the hard work of democracy. They stressed the importance of implementing judicial reform, strengthening the rule of law, and also emphasized the importance of parties participating in the democratic process.


Lexo edhe:


Krist11/05/2017 20:23

Per ambasaden amerikane:Cilet lider politike takoi delegacioni,kur vete kreu i PS dhe kryeminister i vendit ,u largua nga Shqiperija pa i takuar fare.Kjo eshte thjesht mosbegenisje,apo nenvleftesim qe Rame i ka bere delegacionit.Dhe ju nuk thoni nje fjale per mungesen e takimit me Ramen.Lu-ja,takon cdo deputet kur ja kerkon nevoja,dhe nuk paska insistuar qe Rama te mos largohej pa u bere takimi.Po vete delegacioni,cfare ka thene per kete largim,ose arratisje te Rames?Te paktennjoftoi qytetaret amerikane ne Shqiperi per kete problem.Kjo eshte detyre per ty zoti LU>

morrit11/05/2017 19:29

shikoni si i serviloset lej feni qe kerkon ti mashtroj

tosi11/05/2017 19:11

kaq mjafton per te kuptuar qe per te mbyllur ne çmendine eshte rama dhe jo myftaraj

Tili11/05/2017 17:43

I paskan ber nje te rrahur LUS keta qe do ta mbaj mend ter jeten LUJA. Po kjo reforma ne drejtesi qe paskan kerkuar, ca eshte kjo? Ca thon keta? Edhe keta te korruptuar? Po kurr arriti rama ti korruptoj se as nuk i takoj. I zoti eshte kodoshi, te korrupton me telepati.

mali11/05/2017 17:35

Po edi droga ku eshte mo ambasada ? Po si ore nuk takuan "skenderbeun"? Apo nuk e njohin me as si k/minister , e njohin vetem si sorist ! Epo mos te njoh k/ministrin amerika , nuk pine uj as vlahutincka dhe as hanet e ndryshme ! Po mundohen ta mbajne me gajret burrat e dashnoreve kete rama drogen dhe minjte e osama evgjitit , po me cduket amerika e presidentit Tramp e paska vene ne rreth te kuq !!

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