Berisha rejects allegations against Meta: It is witch hunting fabricated by former Sigurimi officers

Berisha rejects allegations against Meta: It is witch hunting fabricated by former Sigurimi officers

12:31, 09/09/2022
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Democratic Party Chairman Sali Berisha rejected the allegations against former President Ilir Meta as witch hunting. Meta has been accused as a collaborator of the communist secret police Sigurimi in his youth years, in the late 1980s. Las week, Meta, now chairman of the Freedom Party, filed a criminal complaint against the Authority for Information on Former State Security Documents for manipulaton and forgery of documents.

“It is witch hunting”, Berisha told media reporters today. “An anonymous person says ‘he denounced me’. The Head of the Authority for the Sigurimi Files has one task only: tell them that ‘the law I apply has no relation with this, because the parliament has removed the right for the verification of politic figures. However, you may request your file, which I am obliged to give to you, then go to a court of law and sue your persecutor’. This would be the only legal way”.

“As soon as I read the document signed by the commission I understood it was fabricated in Edi Rama’s office by former officers of Sigurimi. The Authority shouldn’t have meddled because it is being used as a Sigurimi officer”.

Berisha also said that “30-40 former collaborators of Sigurimi might be in the parliament, but this majority annulled the law”.


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