Former President Meta says work for a technical cabinet will start in September

Former President Meta says work for a technical cabinet will start in September

12:43, 11/08/2022
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Former Albanian President Ilir Meta, now Chairman of the Party of Freedom, said today work for a technical cabinet will start in September. Meta told media reporters in a press conference that the issue of the membership negotiations with EU needs a real master of the house.

Meta responded to the declaration of the head of the Socialist parliamentary group Taulant Balla for a legal intervention for the revision of the certificate of integrity for anyone that has entered politics.

"Let the parliament assemble today if they like”, responded Meta. “Tao Tao (Balla) must tell his chief (Premier Edi Rama) that in Greece, because of illegal surveying of the chairman of a second-tier party, the director of the Intelligence Agency stepped down and the Prime Minister made a deep self-criticism before the public. The situation is much more dramatic for Tao Tao’s chief because it is 1000% proved that a serious infringement of the Constitution took place here. It is clearly proved that in the time when Ilir Meta was President, Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, Tao Tao’s chief ordered and guaranteed protection for the collaborator of the Sigurimi (the communist State Security) N.L., proved as a multi-agent, and a to former Intelligence Service official, A.H., who in collaboration with other persons manipulated clearly and awkwardly the investigative file of the citizen F.T., also a US citizen”.

“This is not the most serious case that Rama is implicated in the state’s capture. Very soon it will be proved this is part of an anti-national agenda”.


Lexo edhe:


Right Always11/08/2022 17:19

Eshte emergjente per popullin qe te shkohet ne ZGJEDHJE TE PARAKOHESHME ME NJE QEVERI TEKNIKE NJE ORE E ME PARE. Vetem ne kete menyre i pritet dora kryehajdutit e KRYEMONSTRES E- DRAMA.Eunuket Veliaj gjiknuri Tao Tao e gjith ministrat e ministreshat e HAREMIT RILINDAS nuk do gjejne vrime miu ku te futen.Ky veprim qe po shprehni ju sot eshte nje sherbim emergjent per ekzistencen e popullit dhe Shqiperise.

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