Exhausted and confused, Basha tries to stall to save his chair

Exhausted and confused, Basha tries to stall to save his chair

13:04, 12/03/2022
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Lulzim Basha appeared totally confused and out of reality in his address to the Democratic Party parliamentary group today.

Showing signs of exhaustion, Basha begged the MPs not to crucify him but try to fund a solution, in efforts to win more time.

"We must come out with a solution, an act for solution. It’s a drama if you have not understood that I am disposed for any solution. We must arrive to a solution that joins these three parts. In this game there are certain factors without which we cannot move forward. That’s why we must find a solution”, said Basha.

“My declaration opens the road to that. Let’s discuss the responsibilities for the solution. Let’s make proposals, offer our thoughts for a solution”.

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