The CEZ scandal familiar connections, the State’s Advocate husband is the Czech company’s lawyer

The CEZ scandal familiar connections, the State’s Advocate husband is the Czech company’s lawyer

10:39, 09/02/2017
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New facts have come to light in the CEZ AS case, which seems to compromise Albanian state’s approach for the solution of the conflict with the Czech company and the role of State’s Lawyer, Alma Hiçka.

Newspaper “Rilindja Demokratike” reports that the legal office CEZ hired to defend itself in the process against the Albanian state is run by Envi Hiçka, who is Alma Hiçka’s husband.

According to the newspaper, Envi Hiçka has been the representative of the company and was given full authority by CEZ Administrator Josef Hejsek, defending the company in all the conflicts they had in Tirana, against Tax Offices and other ones.

Alma Hiçka denied to have had knowledge of her husband’s role as CEZ lawyer when asked in the Parliamentary Investigative Commission, in December 6, 2016. However, the newspaper writes Envi Hiçka’s name appears on courts decisions or processes between DIA and CEZ.

Minister of Energy Damian Gjiknuri and State’s Advocate Alma Hiçka were sued by the State’s High Control, accused of causing a damage worth €479 million to the Albanian state with their negotiations to reach a settlement.


Lexo edhe:


Kosta09/02/2017 17:43

dhe mburret ky pederasti yne se po ben mor pedo, ky nuk eshte shtet mbi baze ligjsh por eshte shtet mbi baze rregullash mafioze, ti ke bere shtetin me mafioz ne bote, ja ke kaluar edhe Italise se viteve 1916 - 22.......

Miku i Liut09/02/2017 17:26

Ky Envi Hicka eshte i biri i nje SIGURIMSI te thekur EdI Hicka dhe nipi i nje HETUESI SIGURIMS Riza Hicka I BURGOSUR edhe ne Zvicer si TRAFIKANT malli..... ja ketu kane perfunduar te tere nderkombetaret, o pika qe nuk i bie....FELLIQESIRA !

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