KQZ recounts the votes of Lezha area, chairman Zguri says there are more ballots than voters Zv.kryetari Denar Bibaj majtas dhe Kryetari i KQZ, Klement Zguri, djathtas

KQZ recounts the votes of Lezha area, chairman Zguri says there are more ballots than voters

12:50, 12/07/2019
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The Albanian Central Electoral Commission (KQZ) has finished the recounting of 11 ballot boxes from the country of Lezha after the complaint filed by the National Conservatory Party, which claimed a theft of votes of its candidate Eduart Ndocaj.

After the recounting, KQZ chairman Klement Zguri said there were more ballots in the boxes than the number of the voters, which is a serious offense.

KQZ member Bledar Skënderaj said “nothing invalid resulted in that electoral area”.

The legal representatives of the National Conservatory Party said there are discrepancies between the numbers of voters and the number of ballots in at least 11 polling stations.

    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe:


    Shqiptari12/07/2019 16:04

    Ore shqiptare! Po ky kryetari i KQV (Komisioni Qendror i Vjedhjeve) Zguri, perse nuk e jep doreheqjen, kur nuk paska te drejte as te shikoje proces verbalin e kutise se votimit, as dokumentacionin zgjedhor!!!!!! Apo rri thjesht per te marre rrogen se nuk ka ku te punoje??!!!! A ka injorim me te madh ndaj Zgurit!!!! Nuk e pjerdh askush!!!! Ka mundesi qe ky gjate punes te dhjese ne pantallona, sepse edhe per te shkuar ne hale, e hedh ne vote Denar Biba dhe me shumice votash 4 pro dhe 1 kundra, Zguri nuk duhet te shkoje ne hale por duhet te dhjese ne pantallona. O te dhjefsha KQZ me gjithe kryetar!!!! A ka burreri ky Zguri qe te japi doreheqjen??? Doreheqja e tij do te mbyllte gjithcka per vjedhjen e votave edhe kur nuk ka konkurente.

    Gramoz12/07/2019 14:44

    Si perfundim kapterri ordiner qe kercenon me buken e gojes punonjesit e administrates Pjerdhini i ridhjerjes siçiliste fitoi bashkine e Lezhes! Gjithmone ne rast se e lejojne lezhianet nje bandit si kapterr Pjerdhini!

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