Albanian Premier Rama’s crony receives €1.8 million from renting vehicles to the State Police

Albanian Premier Rama’s crony receives €1.8 million from renting vehicles to the State Police

13:37, 29/08/2018
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Former Interior Minister Flamur Noka has exposed a case of corruption from Albanian Premier Edi Rama who has favoured businessman Agron Papuli, one of his cronies.

"Edi Rama is showing every day he has no intention to govern the country but only to steal and enrich himself and his closes men”, Noka told media reporters today. “The other day, the Democrat Party showed evidence how Rama’s government has granted 41 public procurements worth 15.6 million Euros to Rama’s sister-in-law’s husband, Armand Frangu. This is not the last case”.

“Official documents prove that Rama continues to favour one of the businessmen close to him with millions of Euros from the state budget. His crony Agron Papuli’s company has received 1.8 million Euros for a bid of renting cars to the State Police”, the Democrat deputy Noka said, showing the document.


Lexo edhe:


Daj Jaku29/08/2018 15:32

More miku im. EDrama ka privatizuar buxhetin edhe për 25 vitet që vijnë nëpërmjet konçesioneve dhe ppp.

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