The Socialist plan to 'tame' the ‘rebel’ deputies in the Parliament

The Socialist plan to 'tame' the ‘rebel’ deputies in the Parliament

08:35, 23/12/2017
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The Socialist Party of Albania is making a plan to prevent other violent acts in the future, like the ones that occurred during the voting for the temporary General Prosecutor. Seven deputies of the opposition were expelled for ten days, and one Socialist deputy was expelled five days for hitting a LSI deputy.

The new plan of the Socialists has been approved by the head of the parliamentary group and will be implemented come January.

The Chairman of the Socialist group, Taulant Balla, explained the Code of Conduct will be approved unilaterally in absence of a consensus with the Democratic Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI), as a way of preventing other attacks in the parliament hall. The Code has eight articles defining a proper conduct and also the punishment for the violation of each of them. The new Code of Conduct, requested by the internationals, specifies that a deputy should not act against or attack anther deputy and should not call for violence in the parliament. Also, the deputy should not obstruct or violate the development of the sessions in the parliament, in addition to avoiding the insults.

This specifics look like being custom-made for Sali Berisha, who articulates serious accusations against the Prime Minister in every session. In cases when no penal offence has been consumed, the punishment varies from remarks to a ten-day expulsion.


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