Have no doubt, it's a message against Rama

Have no doubt, it's a message against Rama

By Çim Peka - 15/06/2017

What is a meeting or a picture with the US President? It depends on the context. For an Iranian leader it may be merely a curse; while for an Albanian it’s a blessing. Fortunately, for the Albanians the moral and politic authority of the United States has not been harmed and continues to be decisive in the domestic political developments too. In spring, the Balkans seemed in the brink of a total collapse that not only would undo all the success reached after Yugoslavia’s dismemberment but would also bring back the clouds of the inside and ethnic conflicts over Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania. EU highest officials took several tours in the region, which not only didn’t bring any result but failed shamefully. It was then that the incumbent Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs at the US State Department, Brian Hoyt Yee, took a tour in our region. Despite US administration’s distraction over their own motives; regardless Mr. Yee is leaving from his post, his visit, pressure and even blackmails he used in Skopje, Tirana and elsewhere in the region made the conflicts shadows disappear magically.

It is a combination of power, influence, respect and affection the United States enjoys in our region, especially among Albanians which give a big deal to any contact, of any rank, among Albanian and US politicians. No one understands better than Edi Rama the political and electoral power of a meeting or picture with the US President, whoever they might be. He knows it so well that he’s ready to violate the US laws and send people to prison only for a picture. He was ready to make the same think at NATO’s summit in Brussels, a few weeks ago. Edi Rama hired the most influential lobbyists in Washington DC, with direct and personal connections to President Trump. SYRI.net is in the know of the real conditions and bills, ways of paying and mediators for these payments. It’s enough to say it is millions of dollars. This is not important; Rama has money and pays. He has always paid. Important is the fact that despite the hired lobbyists and the paid money, Edi Rama was refused a meeting and/or a picture with President Trump in Brussels and Edi Rama knows it very well.

In this context, Lulzim Basha’s meeting and picture with President Trump more than in Basha’s favour was against Rama. Let us be sincere, no one expects Donald Trump to discuss and solve the world problems with the chief of the opposition of Albania, whoever they might be. It doesn’t happen and it doesn’t have to happen! The public diplomacy is made with public messages. The meeting and picture that the US President allowed to the Albanian opposition’s chief is a direct, strong, public and even brutal message against Edi Rama, considering it was sent in the middle of the electoral campaign, only ten days before the elections.

In my knowledge, only once President Trump met an opposition leader and it was a private dinner with the chief of the Ukrainian opposition, former political prisoner and billionaire Yulia Tymoshenko. In that case there was no public picture, no public announcement, only “permission” for Tymoshenko to tell about the dinner. It is clear Basha’s picture with the President is not taken with a smartphone, neither is it a selfie. It’s a picture shot by a photograph of the White House, in front of the American flag!

Of course, the message is clear and Rama has received it. The political class in Albania has received it. The other partners of Albania have received it. The Albanian electorate will receive it (how remains to be seen on June 25). But this is not important today. The point is at the other message, which was only for Lulzim Basha.

If he, Basha, continues to think for a co-governance with Edi Rama after the elections, then he has understood nothing.

For his own bad!


    © SYRI.net

    Lexo edhe


    odCDovntNin23/06/2017 04:02

    michael s.,Yes, although it's fairly crucial for a stable shareholder system for the shares to actually be trelefsrrabna. I know very little of her history, but I suspect that family ties and family politics had a lot to do with the decline of La Serenissima, which certainly was not in the healthiest of states when the little Corsican finisher her off.

    Deh he nann, be!19/06/2017 15:22

    Trump as nuk e ka idenë se ku bie Shqipëria, se ç'parti ka , se ç'liderë kanë, se kush po qeveris dhe kush duhet të drejtojë pas 25 qershorit...
    Në një takim donatorësh bamirësie, Trump-it iu afrua njëri (njëfarë Lul Basha) dhe i kërkoi një foto, dhe ai e bëri . Kaq!
    Dhe ju i bëni qejfin vetes; kërkoni ta shisni si "përkrahje të SHBA për opozitën" e cila sapo kundërshtoi BE, Yee, të djathtën europiane, etj.
    Hesap i gabuar!

    kRIST18/06/2017 02:38

    Rednexin e pashe dhe kujtova se Iliri do kete qene semure (larg qofte),por me se fundi edhe ai e kish kryer detyren e vet,bile duke sfiduar edhe Peken,megjithe se emerin ja ka shkruar me te vogel (shenje e rangut te ulet,me nivelin e nje injoranti qe edhe te shkruaj nuk ka mesuar,megjithe se paguhet mire,per detyren qe kryen).

    refa16/06/2017 13:24

    po pati kualicion do rritet meta si opozite dhe kualicioni pd ps nuk do zgjase shume mos genjeni vehten nuk munden te hedhin ne kosh shume aksione te pd kunder ps dhe te ps kunder pd i vetmi rast eshte ps dhe lsi jane brenda llojit dhe sharja ne mes tyre eshte gallate jemi mesuar me theniet e ilir metes per edi ramen dhe edi rames per ilir meten

    usa16/06/2017 12:04

    Basha do veproje si ta kete mesuar USA . Nqs i kane thene te qeverise me Ramen do e beje . Nqs me Meten e CO , prap do e beje . Nqs i kane thene te rrije opozite prap do e beje . Tek ne vendos amerika , shyqyr zotit se do e kishte marre lumi krejt kete vend. Randesi ka qe aksionet e Bashes kane arritur nivele me te larta , dhe kjo i ben mire edhe PD , Opozites se Bashkuar dhe vendit ne teresi.

    Nto16/06/2017 11:18

    Trapi do bashen nuk do ramen.
    Leni keto budalliqe .
    Ne nuk duam njeri tjetrin.
    Cfar jane keto politikane qe tallen me ne pse kane bere nje foto.
    Boni pune pastaj boni foto.

    Ylli pe Korce.16/06/2017 10:20

    Komenent i gjate. Me psikologjine e shekullit XIX.

    ai15/06/2017 21:57

    Nuk duan Te besojne. Spiunet komunist kjo fare e qelbur dhe e prishur e kombit shqiptar

    Medlind15/06/2017 21:18

    Je i madh , analist i pjekur dhe shume kualitativ!

    ramushi15/06/2017 21:10

    Basha kryeminister...Trump e dha OK...po duhet shume pune...shume shume pune...

    ramushi15/06/2017 21:06

    Basha kryeminister...Trump e dha OK...po duhet shume pune...shume shume pune...

    rednex15/06/2017 19:43

    Kushdo qe ka marre pjese ne ate mbremje ka pasur mundesine te bej nje foto me Trump nese paguan para,shume para..dmth sikur ta pyes dikush sot se kush eshte Basha ai thot skam degjuar kurre nje fucking name te tille...fotoja eshte hi syve per popullin qe eshte bere me keq se delet...

    Ajo15/06/2017 19:03

    Mos e nenvleftesoni Bashen! Ai nuk eshte idiot qe ti beje gropen vetes per te shpetuar Ramen! Nuk e kuptoj pse akoma permendni nje absurditet te tolle?? Nuk ju falet te shpini uje ne mullirin e Rames! A nuk e shihni se kjo eshte nje gracke djallezore e thurrur prej Rames, ne te cilen po bien edhe plot dashamires te PD?

    iliria15/06/2017 18:16

    Eshte kundra rames ?! Presidenti USA , Presidenti i Planetit ?! As mos u shkoj nepermend se di gje qe nje njeri qe quhet EDI i Rilindjes ,djali kristaqit te dhoksise !

    SHKODRA15/06/2017 18:05


    Salvo15/06/2017 17:56

    P.s. - Cka Meta e kreu me sukses.

    Salvo15/06/2017 17:52

    Nuk ka as gjasen me te vogel qe te ndodhe, per arsye politikisht te kuptueshme, sic shfaqet gjithe po aq edhe elektoralisht. Kjo manover u ndermor nga Rama permes Blushit, per te synuar ate qe arriti Lsi ne 2013, kur shume votues te pd-s ia dhane voten Lsi-s, pasi neper korridoret e te djathtes Meta pati arritur te leshonte tezen se "doli nga koalicioni me pd per arsye te taktikes elektorale, porse do te kthehet pas zgjedhjeve". Qetesia dhe, sidomos, heshtja me te cilen e percolli Doktori, e oksigjenuan, pa dashje, dhe e bene te besueshme tezen e Metes, aq sa edhe Rama filloi t'i druhej seriozisht. Cila do te ishte zgjidhja? Shmangia e gabimit qe beri Doktori, mos lenia ne heshtje e kesaj teze. Basha duhet te shprehet qartazi dhe me ze te larte, kunder kesaj teze, ne te kundert, krahas humbjes se zgjedhjeve, do t'i duhet te perplaset me binomin e forte Meta-Doktori. Ky i fundit u investua qe Meta mos te largohej nga koalicioni me Ps pa i bere ate qe i pati bere Pd: erozionin.

    Vilajet Qyku15/06/2017 17:22

    Or Peke gazetari, po cfare do te thote kunder Rames, po a nuk eshte Basha qe ka bere akordin me Ramen ?! Trumpi na qenka kunder Rames (ne fakt aty i rri mendja gjithe diten) dhe na qenka me Bashe du dumin i cili na pakesh bo aleance me Ramen..... cfare domethenie ka kjo pune?!

    Di615/06/2017 17:19

    pse kaq skeptik Cim Peka .. ka dale dielli ...ti gjithnje ke qene largpames ...

    Lulzim Vejsiu15/06/2017 17:11

    Cdo shqiptar normal nga trute e kupton mesazhin qe percjell foto Trump- Basha,e fiksuar keto dite prag-zgjedhjesh.Kjo edhe per faktin qe,po ta kishte per zemer gjatoshin tone kryerilindes, kreu i Shtepise se Bardhe mund te kishte bere dite me pare ne Bruksel nje foto me te dhe te mos e linte te behej gazi i botes.Por,o Cim Peka,duke zbritur me kembe ne toke ne realitetin e shifrave, qe mund te prodhoje 25 qershori,problemi qendron diku tjeter dhe per kete do te doja edhe nje mendim tuajin.Fjala vjen,nese PD merr 50 mandate,po aq edhe PS,ndersa LSI 25- 30 dhe kusurin partickat,si do te behet konfigurimi i maxhorances se ardheshme?Duam s;duam shifrat do te detyrojne disa tipe koalicionesh, si Basha-Rama,Basha- Meta apo Meta-Rama!!!Ne keto obsione te detyruara nga rezultatet e 25 qershorit,une do te isha per koalicion PD-PS, por pa Ramen ne skene! Gjithesesi kjo eshte nje mundesi,nuk e di se cfare mund t'i rekomandoni ju Bashes?

    tosi15/06/2017 16:37

    do presim 26 qershorin per te nxjerre konkluzionin, por te gjithe gjasat te çojne te nje koalicion ps-pd

    Iliri15/06/2017 16:23

    O pek te gjithe e dime eshte kundra rames...

    Shto koment
