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Inside Edi Rama’s subconscious, searching for the center where his rancor against PD is produced

Inside Edi Rama’s subconscious, searching for the center where his rancor against PD is produced

By Poli Hoxha - 09/05/2017

It is not the first time that Edi Rama, sometimes sotto voce and other times openly, articulates one of his biggest dreams: the final liquidation of the Democratic Party (PD). Today as well, during the electoral congress of the Renaissance, he spoke full of rancor against the first democratic force, protagonist of the pluralism installation in Albania; the force that enabled Albania’s membership in NATO and the free movement abroad, without visas, of the Albanian citizens. Breathing hardly because of the inner hate, with an unprecedented hostile rhetoric for the political opponent, Rama can no longer hold the desire and anticipation for the final liquidation of PD, the force that represents nearly 700 thousand votes.

“All this will end on June 18th. All this, on June 18th, will belong to the past. The chapter of the Democratic Party as we’ve known so far will end along with this one”, Rama said two days ago in Berat.

How can one explain this rancor, this nearly-pathological hate, not merely against Sali Berisha, Lulzim Basha and the leadership of this political force, against their sins in the time when they governed the country, but against PD itself as an institution, as a national treasure, from its very founding days?

What pushes Edi Rama to become impatient to see the political force that came out of the dreams of the students of December 1990 end as liquidated, “suicide”, as he declared in the Congress?

Clearly it’s nothing to do with the 27-year old political battle between PS and PD as two normal opponents in pluralism, not even with the battle between Albanian left and right.

To explain all this, one needs to turn far back in time, to enter his turbulent subconscious as an individual and find the core where all this venom, senseless at first sight, is produced.

Everything starts in the time when the Democratic Party and simultaneously the pluralism at were conceived. When Edi Rama, coincidentally or not, was involved in the time’s developments and made efforts to become a protagonist of the new political Albania.

The fatal absence

Edi Rama will never forgive to himself his physical absence on December 8th, 1990, the day when the new political class of Albania was shaped. Despite that, as a professor in the Institute of Arts, he was distinguished in some “dissident” activities with John Lennon’s music, he hid himself, avoiding that historical day. He was absent in the Institute of Arts and in particular the late hours in the Students’ Town, where the students’ movement had reached its climax and started the unstoppable journey that ended with the final collapse of the communist system.

It’s Edi Rama himself that tells about his absence in that historical moment. An absence that would have an important influence in his political career, till when he was catapulted, eight years later, from France, where he had escaped for a second time, but also an absence that would mark an unusual deformation in his development, conscience and character. A hate and rancor that today are openly exploding.

This is how he describes that moment in an interview for the book “The white trench coats” by journalist Luljeta Progni:

“I wasn’t there, because, after the Romanian revolution, there was a certain tolerance and within that work they started to apply giving travel passports to people who had relatives abroad. We had some relatives in Corfu, from my mother’s family, from the time of Italian-Greek war. We received our passports and I went there along with my brother, in the summer of 1990. During our stay there, we contacted the Gallery of the Municipal Theater. We agreed to organize an exhibition in the middle of December of that year and on December 8th I departed to Corfu. I told Ardian (Klosi – Rama’s friend) that I needed to go there. I did not have the instinct that something would happen exactly during those two or three days. They were some difficult couple of days for me, because, along with others, I had hardly waited for a year for a meeting with (Albania’s last communist leader) Ramiz Alia. Any time something happened in the Institute, the representatives of the (communist) party came there, made meetings which we laughed at and the more time passed by, the more the rank of those who came there got higher. I was convinced and I used to say it that the game and this process would be over pnly when we would sit in front of Ramiz Alia. I told my friends that someday, very soon, we would meet Ramiz Alia, because they cannot stand what we are doing. And just when our moment came, I was not there”.

Attempts to capture PD

From what he says, it is clear Rama has resented the gaffe of his life, escaping to Greece for some “exhibition”, while the students and Tirana’s intellectuals were risking their lives in confrontation with wounded regime, which was seriously ready for a bloodbath in its wild efforts to survive.

His coward decision to go away just in the historical moment very soon would change from envy and jealousy into rancor and hate for those who stayed and put their lives in danger confronting the falling regime.

Regardless, the core of December idealist students and intellectuals forgave him. They didn’t take note his absence on December 8th and, for what he had contributed as a “dissident” in the Institute of e Arts, elected him, on December 12th, in the Initial Commission of the Democratic Party.

Edi Rama’s name figures in the protocol of the meeting of the Initial Commission of PD (written with hand by Ilenja Mëhilli) which is correctly written in “The white trench coats”. He was chosen in the team for the electoral issues and also in the work group for the party’s Status and program.

But, after a harsh argument with Gramoz Pashko in the very first meeting, Rama refused the task and left. Not even his friend Arben Imami succeeded to turn him back. He did not believe the party would win the first pluralist elections. Also, witnesses in the meeting said later he was asking for more. His real ambition, which stemmed from an arrogant self-esteem, was to become PD’s chairman.

This is how Rama explains this moment:

“I did not have any desire to be involved in politics, because I was interested in freedom, not politics. I sought freedom as an inner need to do the things I wanted and I did not want to deal with politics”.

Time would very soon prove exactly the opposite. He lies when he says “I did not want to deal with politics”. After the failed attempt to become PD chairman, he started his efforts to create a new party, all of his own.

Today, when he opens the dam gates to the subconscious spring, full of hate and rancor for PD, he does not mention this history. Rama, with a single sentence in the Congress, proclaimed the Democratic Party and its 27-year history as the biggest evil that ever happened to Albania. As a matter of fact, by kicking Rama out, PD “harmed” only the Socialist Party, as would be proved later.

To be continued…


    Lexo edhe


    EC10/05/2017 15:45

    Ne fakt, qe ne vitin 1990, mes komunisteve qe u mblodhen ne PS (edhe pse atehere ende quhej PPSH), dhe antikomunisteve qe iu bashkuan ne PD, nisi nje konflikt a lufte civile qe nuk na lejuan ta zhvillojme me arme, por me politike. PD dhe njerezit e saj shpesh nuk e kane kuptuar apo nuk jane sjelle ne vetedije te kesaj. Ata e kane pare PS-ne si kundershtar ne demokraci e jo si nje armik qe rrezikon sistemin kushtetues. Kurse PS kurdohere e PD-ne si armik dhe punoi sistematikishte per asgjesimin e saj. Sot, i duket se po arrin qellimin dhe po e artikulon endrren per mbylljen e luftes civile duke realizuar objektivin: asgjesimin e armikut. Po ne fakt, jo PD, por PS do te asgjesohet. Sepse PD ushqehet prej qindra mijera njerezish qe kane vetedije, fryme, bindje e ideal. Ndersa PS perbehet vec nje grushti milioneresh e te fortesh te rinj, pa ide e pa ideologji (pertej se majtes e se djathtesh), te vene ne krye te nje turme prej qindra mijera enveristesh qe u ka vdekur ideologjia e qe votojne per nostalgji ndaj komunizmit. Ne keto rrethana, PS-ja tashme 75 vjecare s'ka motiv per te ekzistuar dhe do te zhduket pa arritur te nderroje emrin per here te katert, ndersa PD ka ende nje mision per te permbushur, prandaj PD nuk do te asgjesohet dhe do t'i mbijetoje dhunes noe-puniste edhe jashte parlamentit dhe jashte institucioneve.

    arjani10/05/2017 15:35

    Ky larush i ardhur nga zyrat e manushit,ky sharlatan bastard qe eshte ulur ne ate karrike ku jane ulur shume burra po pilivir me nder burri si ky kjo karrike nuk kishte pare Basdarti ka mar amanetin e paraardhsit e tij biologjik dhe idologjik qe P D dhe Sali Berishes mos tja falin kurr por ate qe u beri ne 1990 jo 27 vjet por edhe 270 vjet te kalojne. Me nder rilindje nuk eshte gje tjeter vecse ringjallje te kelyshve te bllokut.Krekoset kaposhi i plehut se une do ti fitoje zgjedhjet, po pasi i perzuri mbi 300000 shqiptar te cilet nuk ishin votus te tij se ishin te pakenaqur nga kjo qeverrisje genocit tamam si Tito qe perzuri kosovaret.Shqipetare hapni syte ne kry kemi nje kafshe qe na turperon a keni pare ndonje kryeminister te vishet si ky palaco ne bote.

    Petrit Vasili10/05/2017 08:02

    Qekur nje psikopat paska subkoshience?!

    TONY10/05/2017 00:59

    Un nuk jetoj ne shqiperi dhe nuk me intereson shume politika.por kur lexoj keto komente vertet habitem qe te kete akoma ne 2017 kaq njerez te trashe dhe injorant.qe kerkojne akoma lufte civile dhe aq me teper te na mbushin edhe mendjen me komentet e tyre per PD dhe per njerezit qe jan ne plan te pare te PD-ja.vetem nje te ardhuri nga marsi mund ti tregoni keto gjeagjezat,se shqipetarve keto figura qe leviz PD-ja jo per 10 apo 15 vjet qe e ka parashikuar RAMA por edhe per 100 vjet PD-ja nuk vjen ne pushtet,kjo eshte shume e thjeshte se nga e keqja me e madhe njerezit do zgjedhin ate me te voglen.

    Dikush09/05/2017 19:59

    Nuk eshte vetem mllefi qe ka edrama me Pd , por problemi kryesor i ketij njeriu perbindesh eshte psikopatizmi , me kt.e psikopatizem ky njeri do te rrenoje Shqiperine

    aqifi09/05/2017 18:13

    Me daten 13 maj objektivi kryesor I opozites eshte nxjerja prej leckash nga zyra e ketij spurdhjaku. Por ate dite eshte e sigurte qe ky lepur jo qe nuk do te jete me zyre por e sigurte eshte qe as ne Shqiperi nuk do te jete. Ndaj kryeministria duhet te mbahet e rrethuar nga protestuesit per tja bere te pamundur hyrjen ketij lepuri qe na hiqet si luan te mare cfare te mundet dhe te strehohet o ne Korene e Veriut ose ne Kube. 18 qershorin ta harroje per sa kohe jane gjalle demokratet qe I vune gjoksin luftes kunder sistemit diktatorial dhe lindjes se demokracise qe po e gezojne edhe kriminelet komunist te PKSH,PPSH,PSSH. Thirri mendjes Edvina me demokratet nuk behet shaka largohu sa nuk eshte von.

    Tarrasi09/05/2017 18:02

    Bravo Uliksi i vockel i Rames se smure ,

    Tiku09/05/2017 17:59

    Bukur, kjo eshte e verteta. Rama ka shume mllef dhe nuk ja shuan dot asgje. Duket sikur eshte vone, por ai duhet ndalur urgjentisht. Subkoshienca e tij plot komplekse rrezikon ta katandise Shqiperine njesoj si Matilda Markocin...

    Ani 09/05/2017 17:26

    Ne fakt nuk erdhi as ne 1997 por ne 1998 kur i vdiq i jati. Fatos Nano kur i shkoi per ngushellim e pa qe ishte keq dhe i tha mos shko me ne France se te rregulloj un ketu . E beri Minister kulture.

    Jorgo09/05/2017 16:18

    Fakte te rastesishme. Edvini urren gjithcka dhe gjithkend sepse eshte narcisist me simptoma te plota.

    Alban09/05/2017 16:14

    Nqs nuk do të rrëzohet me dhunë, rama do të ishte fatkeqësia më e madhe e Shqipërisë, madje më keq se enver hoxha.

    roshi09/05/2017 16:01

    kundrejt ambicjes skizofrene te ketij te semuri qe kerkon te zhduke opoziten e pd,per tu bere sundues fuqiplote njelloj si enveri e hitleri,protesta popullore duhet ta rrise presionin e saj deri ne max,derisa ai te dorezohet ose te hiqet me dhune. Dhune e cila ka nje qellimin shume me te larte se qellimi i asaj dhune mercenaresh te 21 janarit, qe donin te merrnin kryeministrine per shkak te korupsionit te metes,te cilin, ky skizofren rama tani na e beri edhe president,duke i poshteruar keshtu,akoma me shume protestuesit e asaj dite.

    roshi09/05/2017 15:59

    kundrejt ambicjes skizofrene te ketij te semuri qe kerkon te zhduke opoziten e pd,per tu bere sundues fuqiplote njelloj si enveri e hitleri,protesta popullore duhet ta rrise presionin e saj deri ne max,derisa ai te dorezohet ose te hiqet me dhune. Dhune e cila ka nje qellimin shume me te larte se qellimi i asaj dhune mercenaresh te 21 janarit, qe donin te merrnin kryeministrine per llogari te korupsionit te metes,te cilin, ky skizofren rama tani e beri president,duke i poshteruar akoma me shume protestuesit e asaj dite.

    Uliksi09/05/2017 15:55

    vezhgim shume interesant...tani rradhen e ka analiza e subkoshiences se Lulit...apo sjua mban...nese jeni te ndershem...jepini se ndoshta e ndihmoni edhe ate edhe PD, edhe popullin...

    Kriist09/05/2017 15:29

    Kur ky njeri,urren baben e vet,grate e veta qe te gjitha i paskan qelluar te papershtateshme,per kete koke te madhe.Se ky qenka i vecante nga te tjeret,pra ky shpesh nuk pelqen as vehten e vetm.Bicim i vecante se kruhet edhe me fjalet e veta,genjeshtar,hipokrit,i pabese dhe shume mendjemadh.

    populli09/05/2017 15:21

    PD e perzuri njeher , PD plus Opoziten e Bashkuar do e perzene per te disaten here. Keto jane jave vendimtare .

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