President Meta: There is maximal will to work with the new organs of vetting

President Meta: There is maximal will to work with the new organs of vetting

11:04, 15/09/2017
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Albanian President Ilir Meta gathered the High Council of Justice (KLD) for the first time today. Asked by the reporters about the progress of the Judiciary Reform and the establishment of the new institutions, Meta said the justice system has its own problems and the process is full of challenges but there is maximal will to work with Vetting new organs.

Meta summoned KLD to inspect the job of several courts related to the rulings over violence in the families, taking the incentive by the murders of some women from their ex-husbands recently.


Lexo edhe:


shkurt201415/09/2017 17:51

Po meta sigurisht ka shum vullnet per vitingun,e reformen e drejtesise,ai eshte i paster ne ket drejtim,Ai ska vjedhur e plackitur aqe shume se besoj se i kalon shume miliona euro.Deri ne sa miljon heshte vitingu e drejtesia,me sa kuptojme ne deri ne 5 miljon,per kyte arsye liri eshte shume i interesuar per vitingun.O nuke ka viting ase drejtesi me te njejtit persona ktu e 25 vjete me pare,kta jane hajdutet e plackitesit,veten do fusin kta ne burge,jo kurren e kurres.

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