President-elect Meta goes to Lezha with his escort: I’m here to protect the vote from the Renaissance gangs

President-elect Meta goes to Lezha with his escort: I’m here to protect the vote from the Renaissance gangs

13:14, 25/06/2017
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President-elect and former chairman of the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) Ilir Meta has declared he has gone to Lezha with his escort in order to protect the votes from the Renaissance gangs.

"The Renaissance gangs are deforming the votes. They have the support of the police, of Haki The Drugs”, Meta said, referring to the Director General of State Police Haki Çako. “I am here with my custodians to protect Lezhjans’ votes”.

A LSI member, Florian Dushku, was wounded outside a polling place today, by a group which was a known criminal gang of the Renaissance in this town, according to LSI deputy chairman Luan Rama. He added the gang is backed by police and is being used to violate the elections.


Lexo edhe:


selim rroshi25/06/2017 14:27

Kete e zuri haku i fatkeqeve qe i shkeli me kembe lsi. Imagjinoni marin nga partia meme nje pjese te tortes e bejne qilizem aty heqin te rinje te vjeter me status punonjesi pa status e fusin ne pune ushtrine injorante te lsi. Le pastaj gjobevenient ne dore qe i kane tipike. Si mund te jesh shans per te gjithe kur heq tjetrin nga puna e i heq mjetin kryesor te jeteses. Buken e femijeve i hiqni e shisni mend qe fusin njeres ne pune. Jan humane dmth. Humane te medhenj jeni po ne kurriz te trjereve e ndaj haku tyre po ju ze.

Iliri25/06/2017 13:39

HIQENI VIDEON! Po thyeni kodin zgjedhor.

Hasanazimi25/06/2017 13:25

Likja thote : "Bandat e Rilindjes po deformojnë votën, Bandat kanë mbështjen e Policisë, të Haki "Drogës". Tani krejt natyrshem lind pyetje e hapur per Like Meten : 1) A ka kryer veper penale me kete fjali te artikuluar sot ne diten e zgjedhjeve? 2) A perben fushate politike nne diten e votimeve dhe para nje qendre votimi? 3) Si president I zgjedhur, a ka kryer shkelje te Kushtetutes pikerisht sot me kete retorike? 4) A e ndjen vehten Likja si president ne keto momente kur ben si I fryre hundesh ne droge?

Domenik25/06/2017 13:22

Po te vjen fundi o zagar.... Eskorten mbaje dhe merre me vete ne burg se do te duhet te te mbaje ngrohte ne qeli se ke per te pasur ftohte.

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