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Basha attacks Rama: Fake war on drugs, the heads of crime enjoy his protection

Basha attacks Rama: Fake war on drugs, the heads of crime enjoy his protection

16:24, 31/08/2017
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha does not trust PM Edi Rama’s promise for war on drugs, saying it is only a fake war, because the heads of crime enjoy protection.

Rama ordered the state police to dismantle the drugs groups and sequester their properties, bought with dirty money.

“Under the international pressure and in front of the danger of a possible ban of the free movement abroad and integration, because of the organized crime and drugs, Rama is trumpeting a fake war on drugs in TV shows”, Basha writes.

“The trick is to target a few unimportant figures, while the heads of the organized crime enjoy protection and are unpunishable”.

“What really unmasks Rama’s actual politic will is Gramoz Ruçi’s appointment as the Speaker of the Parliament and Fatmir Xhafaj as the Interior Minister. Their promotion is the organized crime’s political triumph”.

“Since 2005, the US administration has banned Ruçi from entering the country, because of his involvement in the organized crime and drugs traffic. Fatmir Xhafaj is another discredited figure, engaged in protecting his own brother Agron Xhafaj, convicted by the High Court of Italy as one of the heads of cocaine’s international traffic from the Latin America to Europe. A few other deputies and Rama’s kin are also connected to crime and drugs”.


Lexo edhe:


Miri boci31/08/2017 21:09

Per cfar flet Z.Basha kur ne kohen tende si minister lulezonte nje larazat i mbushur plot droge ? Apo tani qe tu hoqen perfitimet e tu te ndyra sulmon qeverine ? Kete sqaro se cfar l8dhjesh kw me krimin ?

Arion Meta 31/08/2017 20:40

Kan kapur nje linje politike keta dhe nuk po e leshojn me, si basha dhe berisha din vetem te baltosin cdo figure te atyre qe kan kundershtare.

Teuta Deraj31/08/2017 20:35

S'kan faje te shkretet do vetmbrohen, sa me shume ta shmangin reformen ne drejtesi ajo do kete edhe me shume sukses.

Results sariani31/08/2017 20:30

Eshte vetem sulmi radhes qe opozita e supozuar ka nisur ndaj njerzve qe din te punojne e duan te vendosin shtet si xhafaj I cili e ka treguar me Pune se eshte njeriu I duhur per are pozicion.

Alban kodra31/08/2017 20:22

Esht turp qe ky hajdut qe vodhi rrugen e kombit t flsi kot! Luft e droges eshte reale dhe te gjithe do i shohim rezultat !!!

Ylli Veliu31/08/2017 20:17

Njeriu i Reformes ne Drejtesi do sulmohet. Ktyre iu ma kapur frika ne cdo cep. I pret vetem Burgu

Demir Daku31/08/2017 20:15

E njejta histori me kte komunizmin! Por jan vetem akuza politike se sdi cte shpikin tjeter. Turp per opoziten qe kemi

Elis Qazimi31/08/2017 20:14

Ky Basha esht fundrrin fare! Po ik o turpi i Pd se je ber si gruq e keqe, tka zen frika e Reformes me duket se ke filluar te lehesh kot me kot!

Olsi quku31/08/2017 20:13

Ik o bash gjej ndonje justifikim tjt ..mjaft i re policise ne qafe dhe shqiptareve qe po punojne..merrue dicka me t lehte se sqenka opozita per tyy..

Sena bellai31/08/2017 20:12

Perseri luften politike po e bazon te drooga dhe mashtrimet per tee..i ka ardh fundii gjith pretekseve bashes per humbjet e njepasnjeshme dhe tashme akuzon dhe punen e mdersheme te policisee..bashaa ka marr fund bashk mee lidershipin e krimbur t pd...

Geri Janku31/08/2017 20:11

Genjshtra pafund nxjerr ku Basha. Ngakt ska fare kujt i ngjan. Plakushi e paska len pasardhsin, sikur te ishte vet ne krye!

Klea Hoxha31/08/2017 20:10

Njeriu i reformes ne drejtesi sulmohet politikish nga ata qe e kan frik. Iu dridhen cdo qeliz se e din fundin. I pret burgu

Rei odo31/08/2017 20:09

Vazhdon basha dhe shpif per luftera imagjinaree..harroi shum shpejt se shqipatert i thanee jo mashtrimit t tij per drogen ..ata e shohin qe po behet lufte e vertete dhe per lete arsye votuan perserii kete qeverii...

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