Debates in the PD executive, discovered the members against chairman Basha

Debates in the PD executive, discovered the members against chairman Basha

11:35, 04/07/2017
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Debates characterized Monday’s meeting of the Democratic Party executive, which approved the two candidatures for chairman, for the election of July 22.

The group against current Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha requested some changes in the agenda, which triggered the debates with Basha’s supporters.

In the end, the requests were voted and rejected.

The open voting discovered the party executive members who are against chairman Basha, shown as following:

Votes against Basha:

Zana Guxholli

Majlinda Bregu

Valbona Mezini

Arben Imami

Tomorr Alizoti

Arben Skënderi

Endira Bushati

Belind Këlliçi

Gent Malko

Sherefedin Shehu

Jamarbër Malltezi



Arben Ristani

Fatbardh Kadilli

Enno Bozdo


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