Rama starts operation “Scrapping LSI”, this is the plan to be approved today with the 74 new deputies

Rama starts operation “Scrapping LSI”, this is the plan to be approved today with the 74 new deputies

11:00, 03/07/2017
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Premier Edi Rama is meeting today with the huge team of 74 new deputies that will form the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party in the new parliament, which will gather in September.

All the deputies, as well as the defeated candidates who are expected to be rewarded with administrative posts, have been invited today to talk with Rama about emergent issues for the coming government.

According to Syri.net’s sources, one of the most important topic in the meeting will be unmounting the “baking pan” of power with the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) and scrapping its part of the administration.

It is understood Rama will ask the new deputies to gather data and prepare files for every administration-related problem in the counties. The data will focus mostly on names that represent LSI and will include anything from education, performance, abuses, job violations, etc. Apparently it won’t be simply “scrapping” but also launching legal proceedings for the part of the “baking pan” that will be in opposition come September.

Edi Rama based all his campaign, resulting succesful, on the rhetoric against the politicized administration.


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Lexo edhe:


Refik04/07/2017 16:05


Betohu03/07/2017 16:39

Eshte detyre ejuaj qe te ja Shkerdheni Moniken me ate kollodokun qe nderrrohen marshet!

ceca03/07/2017 13:09

E meritojne , sepse edhe ata ashtu e bene si me Doktorin ashtu edhe me Ed Ramen .

selim rroshi03/07/2017 11:49

Po lsi eshte me e liga per vendet e punes ku shkel ne administate ben qilizem me punonjesit i heq qe nga shefi e der te pastruesja dhe fut partiake pa shkolle e pa din e iman. U kerkon leke e financime per partine ne kohe qe jane ne post dhe u kerkon ne votime sa me shume vota. Dhe pd e ps e bejne kete por jo ne shkallen qe e ben lsi, se partite e madha kane dhe privilegje te tjera pushteti e nuk ushqehen vetem me vende pune. Per skrap le te shkoje se administrate e krijuar mbi fatkeqsine e atyre qe kane hequr nga puna jane.

tosi03/07/2017 11:19

te largoje militantet e lsi dhe ti zevendeaoje me te mavijosur

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