Lezha’s Democrat Mayor takes Basha’s side: Topalli and Patozi were biting their nails impatiently for PD’s loss

Lezha’s Democrat Mayor takes Basha’s side: Topalli and Patozi were biting their nails impatiently for PD’s loss

10:36, 01/07/2017
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The chorus of voices backing Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha has grown, after the stormy attacks of the first post-elections days, with many seeing Basha as the solely responsible for the defeat of PD.

Lezha’s Mayor Fran Frrokaj, also a member of PD Executive, has taken Basha’s side, launching a severe attack against former Speaker Jozefina Topalli and deputy Astrit Patozi.

According to Frrokaj, both Topalli and Patozi were waiting impatiently for PD’s loss.

“I despise the language of Ms. Topalli and Mr. Patozi. Such a low communication, without a drop of culture! They should have been campaigning actively for the Democratic Party, only then they’d be credible they do care about PD”, Frrokaj writes in his Facebook page.

“They (and a few others) forgot they were the big losers of 2013 in their counties and till 2017 they hid behind the deputy chair and Mr. Berisha’s resignation, assuming no responsibility”.

“What went worse in Shkodër compared to when the list was topped by the “Iron Lady” (Topalli)? I think a true analysis is a must, but without inside enemies and an ordinary language”.

“No one in the campaign saw a minimal contribution from them, not to say they were biting their nails backstage barely waiting for this situation that has come ALSO due to their prepotency in a not so far past. Dear friends, let’s not forget that Edi Rama is our adversary (not the enemy).

My status is dedicated to the Democrats active in the campaign”.

© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


Lezhjani02/07/2017 01:28

Bravo Fran Frroku. Je shume i sakte. Ne kushtet e nje terrori te papare psikologjik nga qeveria dhe drejtuesit e PS-se ne Lezhe (mos harroni Arben Ndoken dhe Armando Prengen), te nje mbeshtetje te fuqishme te PS-se nga oligarket e medias, te nje mbeshtetjeje te nendheshme dhe indirekte te PS-se nga Jozefina Topalli, Astrit Patozi dhe gjithe listeqejfmbeturit qe u kishte zene prapanica myk ne karriket e deputetit, Lezha arriti te nxjerre 3 deputete. Ajo e arriti ate ne saje te anetareve te thjeshte te PD-se, te cilet, ne ato kushte, me heroizem e votuan partine e tyre. Ishin po keta anetare te thjeshte qe para vitit 2013 nuk i kishin pare ndonjehere te vinin ne Lezhe dy nenkryetaret e PD-se ne ate kohe Jozefina Topallin dhe Astrit Patozin.

krasasi tp01/07/2017 14:27

z.Kryetar i PD ne Lezhe,analizo dhe mundohu te kuptosh, se z.Basha po perflitet dendur se eshte Ai, qe ka flirtuar me z.Rama dhe jo znj.Topalli dhe z.Patosi.z.Basha dhe z.Rama jane dy vellezerit, bije ne shpirt te oligarkise.PD ka fletur gjume per 4 vjete,strukturat ne baze kane qene ose ne gjume, ose ne konflikt per dominim ne vend te gjitheperfshirjes.Krahasimi i rezultateve te 2013 me ato te 2017 nuk kane kuptim.Ne 2013 PD vinte pas 2 mandateve qeverisje dhe megjithate rezultatet ishin me te larta.

Lali01/07/2017 14:08

Po ky tronglli cka qe vertet. O shoku kryear i bashkise, ne masen 70% eshte humbja jote ne lezhe dhe 30 % i ke peshqesh nga luli me listen e tij fituese. Ti bilancin duhet ta besh si kavaja qe e tregoi veten dhe per deficencat e tua mos kerko justifikim duke sulmuar ata prej te cileve je ne ate karrige.

Lisus01/07/2017 10:53

Ne 2013 PD mori 4 mandate ne Lezhe, ndersa ne 2017 mori 3 mandate dhe doli force e dyte politike. Pervec Bashes si Kryetar i PD-se qe eshte pergjegjesi kryesor, po Kryetari i Bashkise ka ndonje pergjegjesi per kete humbje te PD-se ne Lezhe, duke qene administratori i Lezhes dhe perfaqesuesi i PD-se? Apo ja ka fajin Jozefina, pse ka kaluar neper Lezhe per me shku ne Shkoder!?!? REZULTATI ne Bashkine Lezhe 2017 Votuar 37.506 | 44,94%* Pjesëmarrja Subjekti Vota Përqindje** 1.LSI 6.223 16,97% 2.PS 15.120 41,23% 6.PD 13.491 36,79% Urime dhe integrime Z.Kryetar i Bashkise Lezhe!

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