EXCLUSIVE/ Rama “whines” before the allies: Sorry, I lacked experience, the campaign expenses are on me

EXCLUSIVE/ Rama “whines” before the allies: Sorry, I lacked experience, the campaign expenses are on me

12:53, 24/05/2017
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Socialist Party chairman Edi Rama seems to be feeling awkward. He gathered some of the small parties in the Socialist Party building today, apologizing he did not fulfill the agreement he had with them, saying he was “inexperienced”.

SYRI.net sources from the meeting said Rama apologized to the allies, saying “it was impossible, due to technical reasons and lack of experience, to respect the agreement” he had with them.

According to the agreement made in 2013, Rama promised that the parties with over 10 thousand votes would be represented in different levels in the government, starting from head of directorates to vice ministers. Chairman of the Real Socialist Party ’91 Petro Koçi was the only one that benefited from the agreement, becoming vice minister of defense.

The same sources told Syri.net Rama asked from the small parties to work in their influence areas and require votes only for the Socialist Party, to make possible the number of 71 deputies, so that PS can govern alone.

Being panicked for reaching the required number, Rama has offered to cover all their campaign expenses from the PS budget. Allies Petro Koçi, Gjergj Koja and Idajet Beqiri were present in the meeting, while Spartak Ngjela, Paskal Milo and Skënder Gjinushi, who have been declared against this kind of deal offered by Rama, were missing.

Strange is the fact that Rama returns to the old promises when the campaign starts again. The Socialist Party did not respect the agreement with the other parties when they had their own votes, what would make they think Rama will respect now when they will receive votes from PS?


© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


Fatmir25/05/2017 09:31

Po ti mor Kristi duket se dhe vete ke probleme me normalitetin.....qe je kunder Edi Rames e PS duket qarte po habitem cdo ne portalet e tyre apo nuk punohet ndryshe per Lul Bashen....te uroj shendet e jete me Partine tende...

pp24/05/2017 19:01

Petro koci nuk del vetem se ka parti fantazem. Amerika 2 parti Te medha dhe 2 vogla kurse Tek ne nuk numurohen.. Te rritet pragu se na moren mendjen.

Trapi24/05/2017 19:01

Pa le ky Milua, ky po, ka parti jo shaka. Si sI vjen turp e nxjer suratin ne televizor. Ky me gjinushin e me "kryetaret" e tjere te partickave shemtaraqe.

Luan collaku24/05/2017 16:50

Nuk e kuptoj, çfar partie dhe elektorati ka Petro K.!?

altini24/05/2017 16:09

Po ky ka thene se i merr vete 71 mandate, ne mos me shume se ka punuar per vendin. Pse u lepihet partickave per disa qindra vota???

Krist24/05/2017 13:58

nJERI KAQ I PATURP,NUK QUHET NORMAL.Edhe nuk ka mbajt premtimet,pra i genjeu,edhe u kerkon te perserisin te njenjten gje,Por edhee ata qe u genjyen,shume legena jane treguar.I shkonin mbrapa,e prisnin mos u hidhte ndonje cope.....

astriti24/05/2017 13:06

do ta falin ata...komunistat edhe kur i pushkatonte partia, thoshin "te rroje partia"...

Ceni24/05/2017 13:04

Rama kujton se ka Musa Ulqinin perpara e mund te vazhdoje te mashtroje.

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