An explanation-for-dummies of the elections date for the Prime Minister

An explanation-for-dummies of the elections date for the Prime Minister

09:34, 17/05/2017
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I heard an analyst speaking full of “competence” last night, saying that the Constitution does not allow changes in the elections date and he agreed with the Prime Minister’s refusal to postpone the elections. It made me laugh, because a colleague and I have written these dispositions of the Constitution in 2008. Let’s close for good this ridiculous argument.

The Constitution does not define a date for the elections. The Constitution defines the rule that calculates only the end of the mandate, which is the date September 9th, 2017 (Constitution, Article 65, Item 1).

The Constitution defines that the elections take place in the electoral period that precedes the end of the mandate, i.e. it precedes September 9th. The Constitution defines that the electoral period is defined by the Electoral Code (Article 65, item 2). So, the only thing obliged by the Constitution is that the date of the elections is set before the end of the mandate. Period!

There are two electoral periods in the Electoral Code (so, in the Law, not in the Constitution): the spring period March 15th - June 30th and the fall period September 15th – November 39th. The President could set the date in one of the last two Sundays of the electoral period that precedes September 9th (Electoral Code, Articles 8 and 9), so either 18 or 25 of July 2017. The President chose the date June 18th. The date is simply legal, not constitutional. If the Code defined another period before September 9th, the date would different than June 18th.

If the parliament decides that for these elections or forever the electoral period will be in another time, now it can change the Code with only 84 votes and without changes to the Constitution. In addition, the parliament may set any Sunday up to September 3rd as the elections date (because it is the last Sunday before September 9th), only by changing the law and with no need to change the Constitution.

Can the elections be held after September 9th? Yes! A simple transitory disposition that is much less uglier than the terrible annex that was approved for the Judiciary Reform and does not exist in any Constitution in the world would be enough.

    When Rama wanted to postpone the elections in 2007, with the excuse of the birth certificates, the Code was changed in order to postpone the elections. The elections were scheduled on January 20th 2007, the law that obliged the President to set a new date no later than February 20th, 2007 was changed on January 13th 2007. The President decreed the elections date on February 18th 2007. If you do not remember, just look at the picture. Meanwhile, the Prime Minister and the analyst may read the above mentioned Articles and the Electoral Code.


    Lexo edhe:


    nino18/05/2017 08:45

    me vjen keq po te mungon arithmetika o cuf

    I deleguari17/05/2017 11:30

    S'i paska mjaftuar "opinion ketij Lenc Vangjelit,por paska dale edhe ketu si Cufo. Keta kan bere kurse me Taku Ngjelen , se Taku e njef mire Xhefersonin. E nxorren fare nga binaret Edvinin !

    Shabani17/05/2017 11:12

    cuf dabjoni 17/05/2017 10:59

    or Ilir ( me shume je barbar se ilir) ! mesoju te pranosh debatin ndryshe shko merr nje brisk nga marrezia e juaj po na shkerdhen çuni I Kristaqit dhe nuk ke pare gje akoma...

    Agron17/05/2017 10:37

    Po e thu, po kujt po ja thu

    cuf dabjoni17/05/2017 10:18

    per ata qe e vendosin mbi tavoline Kushtetuten dhe çdo Ligj a Kod perpara se te diskutojne jo ishte e qarte qysh ne fillim te "sherrit zgjedhor". Por, kjo duhet dhe kur flasim per data e regjistrimit. Thuhet "jo më vonë se 50 dite perpara dite te zgjedhjeve" dmth 17 dite qershori, plus 31 dite maji dhe 2 dite prilli eshte dita e 50-të. Me vone se kjo eshte 30 maji. Ankimet dhe shpresa tek Gjin Gjoni jane te kota e te jashg teligjshme. Mos e kompromentoni Gjinin se pas zgjedhjeve do te na e fusin ne burg me te drejte. Gjinin e kam shume mik.

    Iliri17/05/2017 09:37


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