Xhafaj promises to correct Tahiri’s job, Director General Çako is left speechless

Xhafaj promises to correct Tahiri’s job, Director General Çako is left speechless

12:57, 27/03/2017
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In his first day in office, Interior Minister Fatmir Xhafaj appreciated the job done by Saimir Tahiri, but from the priorities he put forward it was clear he intended to correct what his predecessor had done.

Xhafaj state the war on cannabis will be the priority of his job.

“Our challenge is to take Albania out of the list of cannabis cultivating countries. No good comes from cannabis cultivation for any citizen or the country. There will be more people in the terrain rather than in the offices. No compromise will be made with the traffickers or their accomplice in the police or anywhere else”, Xhafaj said.

Unlike Tahiri, who was accused of politicizing the State Police, Xhafaj asked for neutrality from the effectives during the electoral process.

“The neutrality of police is expected by all the international factors. The neutrality will be maximally respected. Any violation of the law will be punished. The elections belong to the citizens, the police belongs to the citizens, so no deviation from the law will be tolerated”, Xhafaj stated.

What caught the eye was Haki Çako’s marginalization from the ceremony. Director General of the State Police and close collaborator of Saimir Tahiri did not speak during the ceremony, except for the moment when he invited Premier Edi Rama to take the floor.

© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


bubulina .gr28/03/2017 20:18

Bravo i qofte xhafurrit lufte kanbistave ne mbar shipnin . vetem AGRON VELLAI jo ai do kete monopolin e kanabisit ne europe Te gjitha keto arritje jan relizuar fal rilindjes.Hallall edvini jemi te paret ne..............

labi28/03/2017 19:05

thenia e ministrit se do zhdukim drogen ka te beje me dergimin ne evrope te droges qe mbolli Tahiri me Ramistanin

mercenaret28/03/2017 17:06

Kane bere edhe kater mercenare te paguar ca komente te porositura nga Fuga shpejt e shpejt per te thene qe edhe lexuesit e mediave antiqeveritare jane me qeverine e banditeve te Rilindur.

xhoni28/03/2017 14:56

droga ne keto permasa ka qen qe ne vitin 1995 .

liu28/03/2017 14:05

kete qe ke then eshte e vertet se nuk e ke thene as kur ke dal ne krah te hqxhes kur ishe djal i ri qe e doje aq shum

pse28/03/2017 04:05

Pse nuk e postove

komunisti xhafa28/03/2017 03:43

Qa pret nga nji komunist

Eni27/03/2017 15:17

nje njeri si ky duhet qe ta zhduki gjith kanabisin dhe korrupsionin. vetem ky e ben dhe i ka dhene provat me reformen ne drejtesi

Donaldo27/03/2017 15:16

Urime zoti xhafaj. jeni me i miri, reforma ne drejtesi nuk eshte asgje ne krahasim me cfare do beni ne polici dhe me gjere

Kevin27/03/2017 15:13

Ka ardhur koha qe dhe policia dhe ministria e brendshme te ndryshoje dhe te reformohet. Pas reformes ne drejtesi presim suksesin e ardhshem ne ministrine e brendshme nga zoti Xhafaj

Silvi27/03/2017 15:10

Njeriu i reformes ne drejtesi, ai qe i uli kokat te gjithe te korruptuarve, do e coj perpara luften kunder kanabisit dhe do i japi dinjitetin qe i takon ketij vendi

Ilir 27/03/2017 15:09

Sa lezet ka Z.xhafa si Minister

Maksi27/03/2017 15:08

Me ty ne krye policia e shtetit do vazhdoj te shkelqej si ka vijuar keto vite

Bernardo 27/03/2017 15:06

Je I paarritshem z.xhafa suksese me tej

Arditi27/03/2017 15:06

Je njeriu me i drejt dhe do besh ate qe duhet per te ecur perpara z.xhafa

HERMES27/03/2017 14:07

"Progresi komunist" Ne 3 vjet e 8 muj njeri rrit prodhimin e hashashit e ne 60 dite qe i mbeten mandat ky tjetri thot e zhdukim. Pra 4 vjet progres, 0 lufte me drogen. Kta Jan katnar

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