Deputy Vangjel Dule accuses Rama of transforming Albania into Cannabistan: He’ll use the drugs money to buy votes

Deputy Vangjel Dule accuses Rama of transforming Albania into Cannabistan: He’ll use the drugs money to buy votes

14:53, 26/03/2017
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The opposition responded to Premier Edi Rama’s statement that the majority has the votes for the election of the new President of the Republic, but they want a name with the consensus of all the parties.

Head of Union for the Human Rights Vangjel Dule said Rama allowed the country to transform into Canabbistan and will use the drugs money to buy the elections.

“The problem with the Prime Minister is that he still tries to convince himself that he has the majority. Citizens are distancing every day from the government of the perfect failure. Rama must understand he’s leaving a negative impact. Based on OSCE reports, the elections of 2015, administered by Rama’s administration were steps backwards. In 2013, buying votes was a visible phenomenon, while in 2016 in Dibra it was the main phenomenon. Rama allowed the country to transform into Canabbistan so that he can invest the income to buy votes. He is the main obstacle in Albania’s path to EU membership. Albania must get out of the map of buying elections. The opposition is on the right side and it’s doing its best to protect the electoral process”, Dule said.


Lexo edhe:


lali26/03/2017 16:57


bola26/03/2017 15:49

Ky Vangjeli pavaresisht pozicionit politik duhet vleresuar. Me duket politikan me taban. Ne shume raste thote ne pergjithesi gjera te qenesishme. Konkretisht me qendrimin qe mban lidhur me kauzen e opozites per zgjedhje te lira dhe te ndershme me duket shume pozitiv. Meriton nje bravo

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