Democrat MP Alibeaj requests Basha’s resignation, reminds him a promise he made

Democrat MP Alibeaj requests Basha’s resignation, reminds him a promise he made

12:09, 12/03/2022
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Democrat MP Enkelejd Alibeaj has requested Lulzim Basha’s resignation in the meeting of the Democratic Party parliamentary group today, reminding him a promise he made last September.

“I am adamant that Sali Berisha has no longer a place in the Democratic Party, but you, Chairman, must step down”, Alibeaj said.

“The history started on September 9, with your decision (to expel Berisha from the parliamentary). Then you said you’d be willing to pay the cost for that decision. It would be nice to have coherence. I have the deepest respect for the 1/3 that stayed with us. Then there is the 1/3 that was misused by Sali Berisha, also the silent 1/3. We must send unification signals. Your decision had a good intention, but we could not make it”, said Alibeaj, proposing for a sincere process of reunification of the party.


Lexo edhe:


altini12/03/2022 14:44

O shoku sekretar i partise i ngarkuar per te gjithe vijen e Adriatikut, nga Vlora ne Shkoder. Nese keni fituar votat e demokrateve, vazhdoni te qendroni fort dhe mos pranoni as Berishen dhe as mbeshtetesit e tij. Jeni nje grusht bythepambukesh atje ne krye qe nuk keni bere dhe fituar asnje fushate maxhoritare dhe mbani peng gjithe te djathten shqiptare. Per mua mbaheni Bashen edhe nje vit deri ne zgjedhjet e 2023, se ndoshta kete radhe e ndihmon horoskopi te fitoje. Edhe halla Kim do i jape nje dore.

bufi12/03/2022 14:44

o arqile dukesh qe je komunist. te gjithe te duken beseprere

Per Demokrati I bazes 12/03/2022 14:21

Kush jane keta trima qe kerkojne "bashkim" duke perjashtuar? Dhe ke? Ate qe ua vertetoi me 6 mars se me ke jane democratet.Tyca, akoma mendojne se do te gjejne budallenje. Per te shpetuar humbesin e mashtruesin serial, te paaftin legjendar Basha, vazhdojne serialin e Rames "fajin e ka Saliu"

The truth12/03/2022 13:14

Nuk e kane me Bashen ata, edhe femijte e kane kuptuar qe Basha mbaroi. E kane me Berishen, do vazhdojne misionin e tyre ne sherbim te padronit deri ne fund. Alibeaj, tabakja, pampuri, kapllanaj, gaz b dhe zhupa jane ne sherbim total te Ramiut dhe dusa klaneve te fuqishme te droges. Ata do bejne cfare tu thone padronet. Pjesa tjeter shume vendime i merr se aq u kap truri. E forta eshte se te gjithe e dine se partine e merr Berisha, por nuk e kishin menduar kete dhe dyan pak kohe te marrin kthesen

arqile.12/03/2022 12:40

Ky palaco alibeaj dhe syla duhen qeruar nga PD krahasojne legjenden berisha me pisin basha keta jane pazarexhinjte e PD eshte turo dhe humbje per PD po hyne keta beseprere.

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