Citizens’ data breach, President Meta calls for immediate investigation

Citizens’ data breach, President Meta calls for immediate investigation

13:43, 22/12/2021
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Albanian President Ilir Meta reacted after the news of the breach of fiscal data of more than 637,000 Albanian citizens, with their wages and other details.

Meta wrote “the personal data of every citizen that are stored in the public institutions and are administered in the state databases are private, protected by law, and intended use only in the citizens’ and state’s interest”.

“Any alternative use of them is a criminal offense that endangers the social peace and personal security of the citizens”.

President Meta appealed to the law enforcing agencies and prosecution authorities to move immediately and start investigating for a repeated illegitimate act.


Lexo edhe:


Dashi22/12/2021 15:02

Publikimi i listes eshte me te vertete pozitive. Shqiptaret duhet ta dine kush jane hajdutet dhe zhvatesit e pasurise se tyre. Ata qytetare qe shqetesohen jane hajdute gjithashtu, ne pune te pamerituara. E sigurte se ata me paga te uleta se kane proplem publikimin. Kush eshte kunder eshte per sistemin Rama-Basha. Pjesa e PD qe pretendon se eshte kunder qeverishes the fallco opozites duhet ta shikoj publikimin si positiv. Nese eshte kunder, shume shoejt do braktiset nga baza demokrate, e vetmja qe e mbeshtet tani. Natyrisht ata mendojne se i dine gjerat me mire por shqiptaret jane shume here me te zgjuar sot.

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