The Democrat National Assembly will vote for the discharge of incumbent Chairman Lulzim Basha

The Democrat National Assembly will vote for the discharge of incumbent Chairman Lulzim Basha

12:57, 11/12/2021
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The National Assembly for the Re-Foundation of the Albanian Democratic Party that is currently taking place at the Air Albania Stadium in Tirana decided in favor of a hidden vote for the discharge of incumbent Chairman Lulzim Basha. At the same time, the delegates in the Assembly called by former Chairman Sali Berisha voted for the annulment of the assembly called by Basha to take place one week later, on December 18.

The hidden voting for Basha’s discharge over heavy infringement of the Party Statute is expected to take place today, whereas on December 18 the decision is expected to be ratified by a referendum.

On December 22, the Democrat National Assembly will gather again to elect the new structures of the Democratic Party.


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