Former Justice Minister’s concern: The Vetting process will be used for personal revenges

Former Justice Minister’s concern: The Vetting process will be used for personal revenges

13:55, 27/02/2017
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Former Minister of Justice Ylli Manjani have become very active in the social networks from the time of his dismissal, criticizing the prime minister Edi Rama and his government.

Manjani writes today in his Twitter profile that the Vetting process might be used for revenge, related to the politicians’ private histories.

“The who will make the vetting process should not avenge their personal histories or of the politicians they support. The International Monitoring Operation Board must secure this”, Manjani writes, warning that the vetting-makers will use it for their personal revenge.


Lexo edhe:


kalimtari27/02/2017 15:06

me mire vone se kurre, '' gabimi eshte njerezor'', angazhimi juaj sot eshte me i rendesishem se cdo gje tjeter...hapjani syte shqipatreve qe ne draftet e kopukeve ju ishit , shqiptaret, ekspertiza shqiptare, sa per ti thene Po... thaseve me qindra milione dollare e euro, ne emer te drejtesise se drafteve me ''pishina'' ...

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