Polish Protests: A New Solidarity or Another Soros Op?

Polish Protests: A New Solidarity or Another Soros Op?

By Michal Mazur - 30/07/2017

Poland has been rocked by nationwide protests that the opposition framed as a new Solidarity movement but which was condemned by government supporters as a Soros-backed regime change operation.


The ruling Law and Justice Party, also known by its abbreviation PiS, secured the country’s first-ever parliamentary majority in the last elections, and has since embarked on a quest to reshape the country in line with its conservative values. Part of this mission involves reforming the country’s Constitutional Court to remove the judges that the Civil Platform opposition party, popularly referred to by its abbreviation PO, installed just prior to their electoral defeat. PiS understands that it must absolutely succeed in this endeavor if it’s to stand any chance at executing its long-term national vision for Poland.

It’s precisely for this reason, however, that PO marshalled tens of thousands of its supports to oppose PiS’ efforts, taking advantage of the fact that former PO leader and one-time Prime Minister Donald Tusk is now President of the European Council and is actively involved in turning liberal EU institutions against the new conservative Polish government. From the perspective of PO, its supporters, and an increasing number of influential voices in the EU, the PiS authorities in Poland are “dismantling democracy” and taking the country on the path of a “dictatorship” which they derisively compare to Hungarian leader Vikor Orban’s pro-sovereignty government. For these dramatic reasons, they also liken their current anti-government struggle to the one that their parents waged a generation ago in forming Solidarity to oppose the communists.

From the reverse perspective, however, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski accused “media conglomerates, banks and international corporations” of conspiring to stage “attempts to overthrow the government”, remarking that “the question of courts, reforms… is only an excuse.” Although not directly stated, comments such as his are usually regarded as euphemisms that George Soros and his shadowy network of “activists” are involved in one way or another, an idea which has also been floated around by others. They believe that the transnational neoliberal elite of the EU are provoking a Color Revolution scenario in the country in order to punish it for refusing to abide by Brussels’ migrant demands and other unilateral impositions of the bloc’s will.


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Lexo edhe


d31/07/2017 10:23

Qofte Hungaria e qofte Polonia, kane qene shtetet ish socialiste qe e kane pesuar me shume nga komunizmi sovjetik. Shqiperia ndonese me larg kufijve nga BS, e zgjati akoma me shume modelin stalinist te diktatures komuniste edhe se Polonia e Hungaria. E perjetuan edhe vendet perendimore diktaturen naziste e bene mire qe e ndeshkuan, por ngaqe nuk e perjetuan diktaturen e modelit stalinist komunist, nuk e mirekuptojne te djathten e ish vendeve komuniste duke i quajtur si "ekstremiste te djathte". Sa viktima paten vendet e Europes lindore nga nazizmi, po aq paten edhe nga komunizmi e perse duheshka qe keto popuj te jene "te majte" ? Me cte drejte morale i kerkon ministri socialist i jashtem gjerman popullit shqiptar qe te beje zgjedhje pa opoziten e djathte ? Nese do te kishte dale me kete kerkese per zgjedhjet ne Gjermani, do ta mernin me vershellima e mbrenda 24 oreve do te jepte dorheqjen si minister. Pas zbutjes se qendrimit te administrates Obama me diktatoret Kastro te Kubes, jane inkurajuar tashme edhe idhtaret venezueliane te komunizmit kastrian e ne kete vend latino-amerikan, pothuajse ka shperthyer lufte civile. Ka mbi 6 muaj qe SHBA qeveriset nga nje president i dale me votat te elektoratit amerikan, e mediat soroiste vazhdojne te mos e njohin si president e cdo dite sajojne akuza qesharake per te. Rreziku me i madh pas terrorizmit ekstremist islamik qe po kercenon stabilitetin boteror, eshte inkurajimi i se majtes ekstreme ne mbeshtetje te qeverive te korruptuara socialiste, e tashme eshte bere e kjarte qe pas ketij qendrimi, fshihet spekullanti multimiliarder Soros, qe ndonese paraqitet se po "dhuron" miliarda euro apo dollare per "vendet e pazhvilluara", miliardat e tij jo vetem nuk shterojne, por vecse shtohen. Lexova kete dite ne media nje njoftim, se ish presidenti Obama, me nje baba te varfer nga Kenia i Afrikes e nje nene amerikane jo te pasur, ka blere nje resort turistik te shtrenjte prane resortit te multimilöiarderit Trump ne Florida e me tej nje lajm tjeter se vetem per nje fjalim te tij ne nje eveniment politik, do te paguhet me 400 mije dollare. Nga i vijne keto para ketij politikani te majte qe nuk ka pasur asnje pasuri te trasheguar ?

Daj Jaku30/07/2017 16:32

Bravo Poloni Hungari. Jashtë multimiljarderi trafikanti Soros me tentakulat e tij helmuese, me të majtën fshihet vetëm bytha.

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