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Why are they whining in Edi Rama’s Court?

Why are they whining in Edi Rama’s Court?

By - 13/05/2017

“The tomorrow’s protest would be worthy, according to the advises of people who support it, if it would also offer a demonstration of violation from the opposition…”.

This is what one of Edi Rama’s mediatic chief servants wrote full of desperation notes in the editorial of his news portal yesterday.

Also yesterday, almost all the media of the Prime Minister’s kitchen were full of articles, which highlighted the fear of violence, the thousands of policemen and Special Forces that were surrounding Tirana… while the portal of a former Socialist deputy, caught with unjustified billions, went even further.

He introduced a scenario where one of the main leaders of the protest would be murdered by the “protest” itself, trying to find an excuse to raid Edi Rama’s office later.

In the most desperate way, all the Premier’s scribblers desired violence by all means in the today’s protest.

The director of the fake news, Edi Rama, didn’t stop even for a minute provoking from his Facebook page with stale photomontages and comments of “sparrows” that swarm in the social networks.

Interior minister Fatmir Xhafaj was ordered to introduce the protest as a good possibility for “radical acts”.

A media release was noisily spread since the early morning, telling that police had detained two individuals that had planned radical acts. Deliberately it was left unexplained whether it was “Islamic radicalization” or whatever.

Tirana’s Mayor Erion Veliaj was also engaged in action, as always in his malign and dirty way. Only one day before the protest, he filled the boulevard where it would take place with flower vases.

But nothing of what Edi Rama and his mediatic lickers hoped happened. They no longer have the alibi of “a fistful of people from inside the tent that fear for their sins”.

Just like in the previous 85 days of this historic project and as the leader of the movement for overthrowing the old republic had promised, not even e flower was plucked today.

That’s why they all are deeply sad and disappointed. Mourning has covered Edi Rama’s Court. For the first time ever in the political history of Albania, also of Balkans and Europe as well, a giant crowd protests in such a peaceful, modern and yet determined way. And it is a majority of people frustrated by a corrupt government, a narco-state, as the most prestigious media in the world call it now.

No incident, only wreaths of flowers for the Renaissnace’s funeral and the promise to continue till the end of the road of establishing the New Republic.

Openly-serving Rama media are now whining. What kind of a stupid protest was that!? No provocation, no stones and stakes, no broken windows and no plucked flowers?!

The Protest of May Thirteenth, in the first day of warning for Rama, opened with the National Anthem and ended with the hopeful smile of Lulzim Basha. People left in tranquility, leaving a nonnegotiable message to anyone, in the country or abroad: Determined till the end against the government of narco-traffic, uncompromised battle for the installing once and for all the free vote…

Better days than May 13 are coming…


    Lexo edhe


    O Zot, shpetoje popullin tend18/05/2017 14:26

    Se pari, falenderoj per driten e hedhur ne realitetin tone.
    Se dyti, falenderoj shkruesin per mendimet e tij
    Se treti, mendoj se krahas nxjerrjes se gabimeve, akteve te pushtetit, duhet te jemi me konstruktive qe jo vetem te demaskojme gabimet por edhe te japim rrugezgjidhje. Me kete bejme detyren per ta shpetuar sa mundemi kete vend kaq te pasur nga natyra, me kaq shume potenciale natyrore dhe intelektuale dhe kaq shume te varfer, ekonomikisht dhe shpirterisht.
    Ne duhet te edukohemi ne rradhe te pare qe ta duam atdheun dhe te kuptojme se te behesh milioner ne nje dite ne menyre te padrejtenuk te shpeton nga ferri as ty as femijet e tu dhe aq me teper te ben te lumtur. Duket se kutia e Pandores eshte hapur vetem ne Shqiperi, sepse ketu diket se ky vend nuk ka me asnje virtut dhe ato pak te virtutshem ne nje menyre apo tjeter persekutohen dhe shumica e popullit voton per nje parlament me njerez te pavirtutshem, ne variantin me te mire hajdute.
    Kjo qe po jetojme eshte 4 vjecari me i erret i historise se Shqiperise , ku antivlera po perveteson Atdheun tone.
    Kjo qeveri i ngjan kaq shume antiKrisht- genjeshtare, provokues, pervetesues, mbytes i virtuteve te verteta : dashuria, besnikeria, mirenjohja, punetoria, zelltaria per punen, ndihma per te tjeret ne nevoje..,,
    Zgjohu Shqiptar! Zgjohu o mesues, mjek, gjykates, inxhinier, puntor, fshatar .... Jeta eshte kaq e shkurter qe te besh nje gabim te tille nje mekat kaq te madh dhe te rradhitesh dhe aq me teper te votosh per erresiren, per antivirtutin per mjerimin tend dhe te ardhmen e femijve tuaj.

    Emigranti16/05/2017 00:33

    nuk jan te gjith militante zotni nuk aderoj ne asnje parti te mundesoje edvin droga voten e emigranteve dhe do ta shihni rezultatin e rilindjes lsi ddy pjellave komuniste.

    gjergji i kastrioteve14/05/2017 10:57

    Keto bij e nipa komunistesh,nuk mun te luajn me fatet e shqiptareve...Shqiperija moniste:*presidenti i ri i majt*Qeveri e majt..*Parlamenti i majt..*Bashkija Tiranes e majt..Dhe te gjitha se bashku luftojn opoyiten megjithese kan gjith pushtetet...KY ESHT MONIZEM..NEO DIKTATURE.. O SHQIPTARE..Papunesi..kriminalitet...korrupsion ..varferi e mjerim.Per ket shqiperi aspiruam??Zgjohuni shqiptare o sot o kurre....

    xhaja nga Kavaja .14/05/2017 10:19

    Edi Rames po i shkojne punet fjoll ndersa Lulit e Saliut po i ngushtohet laku ne fyt nga reforma ne drejtesi.
    prisni-prisni,s,keni pa gje akooomaaaa !
    Vetem po kerkuan azil politik ne Koren e jugut ,Rusi apo Serbi shpetojne .hahahahahahaha....

    Redi.13/05/2017 21:49

    Po more Ilir,me tenden si skllav qe je mesuar te jetosh ti mire e ke,por kemi nje ndryshim,ti je militant i aleances se qelbesirave kurse ne jemi militant te asaj force politike qe ne viti1991 shporri faren e ndyr te te parve tual.

    Iliri13/05/2017 20:56

    Protestuat ju sot??? Hahaha hajvaner

    Tani13/05/2017 20:26

    Posht kellirat e ripjelljes..posht konunizmi

    Marini13/05/2017 18:13

    Faleminderit per te gjithe profesionalitet qe tregon prej kohesh tashme ne nje vend qe ska ngel media pa u kapur.
    Atij Ilir-it i kerkojme ndjese qe nuk lyem njeri me boje te kuqe sic vepronte Veliaj me shoke me 21 janar, i kerkojme ndjese qe nuk dhunuam asnje polic.

    Marini13/05/2017 17:55

    Faleminderit per te gjithe profesionalitet qe tregon prej kohesh tashme ne nje vend qe ska ngel media pa u kapur.
    Atij Ilir-it i kerkojme ndjese qe nuk lyem njeri me boje te kuqe sic vepronte Veliaj me shoke me 21 janar, i kerkojme ndjese qe nuk dhunuam asnje polic.

    i merzituri13/05/2017 17:41

    Kisha kohe pa lexuar te verteta neper gazeta ju lumt dora dhe vazhdoni ne kete rruge pa u ndikuar as nga asnje tu bafte dita 1000000 dhe per sa i perket sot e rujte zoti krejt shqiperin per qytetarin e treguar

    imi.13/05/2017 17:14

    Ky Portal, eshte portali me i besueshem, me serioz, me profesional, qe po ndiqet nga shqiptaret ne gjithe boten. Faleminderit, shpresoj te njihemi kur te vij ne shqiperi. Suksese.

    qim peka deputet13/05/2017 17:08

    Plot ishte sheshi sot, ashtu qofte gjithmone se do e hani te gjatin po vazhduat keshtu. E ka fajin Evropa qe nuk kupton dot vizionin e Lulushit, te njejtin vizion qe kishte edhe per Tiranen por qe e vodhi Eri Lali. Do e kishte bere tramin ai, por nuk e la Edvini.

    Magnolia13/05/2017 17:02

    Protesta si kjo e sotmja e nxjerrin në pah shëmtinë e protestës së 21 janarit 2011.

    Magnolia13/05/2017 17:01

    Protesta si kjo e sotmja e nxjerrin në pah shëmtinë e protestës së 21 janarit 2011.

    13 MAJ13/05/2017 16:41

    O ilir (i KAP) po fol nje here ndryshe qe mos dallohesh qe je nje klysh i mark dodanit qe mallkoi amerikem dhe vdiq si komunist ne vendin e GAVROSHIT, thellohu djale mos ji kaq KACKAVALL.

    nino 13/05/2017 16:30

    sot opozita i dha nje leksion te mire rilindjes se qelbesirave ata ishin me surrat nga televizori dhe dridhnin nga nje cigare me kanabis dhe shpresonin se protesta do ktheej ne dhune

    Edi13/05/2017 16:25

    O Ilir beji hyzmet menderes se je mesuar keq meqe ne republiken e Rames vetem me te mund te beje hajer...O ilir militanti i LGBT kij parasysh se ne republiken e Re nuk do te kete vend per bythlepiresit si puna tende... prandaj zbythu sa me pare dhe per ta kuptuar se cdo te thote zbythje po ta shpjegoj: levizje ne drejtimin e bythes... te fala nga pedroduruesi i menderes tende-EDI

    Tajati13/05/2017 15:54

    O ilir kur do ns i japin ate thesin me miell kto rilindasit qe ti japim voten..ta shtum ca dit o bur

    osumi13/05/2017 15:40

    Bravo per komentin

    Iliri13/05/2017 15:26

    Maskallareqe... shkrime te shkruara nga militant

    Shto koment
