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A strong reason why Visho Ajazi stepped down from SHISH right now

A strong reason why Visho Ajazi stepped down from SHISH right now

By - 31/10/2017

Many reasons have been presented in the last few days to explain the resignation of Visho Ajazi from the post of Director of the State Intelligence Service (SHISH). One of the most frequent questions aksed is: Why now? Why not earlier or later? A logical analysis may lead to the following conclusion.

The way Rama decorated and greeted Visho Ajazi’s resignation implies Rama had been thinking and programming it for e long time. Visho’s leaving is no surprise to Rama, it is quite well-programmed. Also, reaching an understanding with the President shows they both agreed Ajazi could not have – for many reasons – their support. It seems Rama has intrigued President Meta by presenting him many “facts” that the former chief possessed compromising information about the entourage of these two characters.

Also, finding a candidature which was “professional”, “likable by the Americans”, “acceptable by the Prime Minister and the President” and “unattackable by the opposition” leads to the reason of Ajazi’s resignation right in this moment and the replacement with his deputy. Rama needed in the head of SHISH – in the worst scenario – a harmless and inactive person, even though he would have preferred someone loyal to him, but that could be reached through a high and unnecessary cost, or worse, it could have been unreachable due to a possible refusal of the President.

Having said Ajazi was not credible to Rama, his deputy meets the criteria of being harmless to Rama, but acceptable to the Americans and the President, the question is: Why did it have to happen right now?

After Tahiri’s implication became known and the reasonable suspicions for the publication of other names of the cabinet, Rama’s concern has reached the limits. Rama is finding himself in an unimaginable dilemma: To renounce Tahiri and other ministers – the names of which is expected to become known in the following days – or protect them? Renouncing them would be no cause for regret, since they are only puppets to him and he can sacrifice them without remorse. His only concern in this case is they could blackmail him with the information they have about him and particularly about his brother Olsi Rama. Should he protect them, as he did for Tahiri (his protection is like a backstabbing though) then the release of information from the partner intelligence services could escalate reaching at least as far as his brother Olsi’s name.

So, Rama’s only concern in the next days or weeks is the revelation of his brother’s name, implicated in corruptive affairs and relations with Mafioso clans. This information could come out either from SHISH or the partner services. The SHISH director in this case would have one role: To obstruct or not allow the circulation of Olsi Rama’s name in the SHISH’ information network and send it, forced by the duty, on the Premier’s and President’s tables. From the latter it would very probably be leaked to the media network.

Rama needed exactly now and as soon as possible, after Tahiri’s affair became known, to have another person in the lead of SHISH, someone who at least would assume preventing the circulation of Olsi Rama’s name in the network of “corruptive” or “criminal” information. Of course, the new director of SHISH would have to accept such a “compromise” with the PM, even though it could not prevent the circulation of the name in the information network of the foreign intelligent services.

This analysis may lead to the conclusion that Rama insisted for Ajazi’s long-programmed resignation in this moment, because he is terrified by the option of the compromising information about his brother’s implication in corruptive affairs revelation to the public.

Of course, obstructing the circulation of SHISH’ compromising information about Olsi Rama would be naïve, because the partner intelligent services that cooperate with SHISH would find other ways for that information to reach on the table of the President, the opposition offices and into the public’s ears. After all, such a solution would not save Rama for good, but certainly he could win some time with a director of Intelligence that assumes preventing even temporarily the circulation of Olsi Rama’s name in the network of intelligence information.


    Lexo edhe


    krasasi tp02/11/2017 13:39

    Hormovit TP,sikur te varej nga Ne fejcbukistet z.Rama do kish ikur me vakt.Per legalizimin e shtepise as qe e rr....j fare.Te njof mor "lugat" sic me njef.Te dyve na njofin te pakten 50% e tepelensve qe mund te kene lexuar komentet.Me siguri qe vrasin mendjen, po keta cfare paten?,Na beje telefonaten e radhes.

    Hormova TP01/11/2017 22:47

    O Krasas me shtepi pa leje, a e kupton qe duhet te mbyllesh gojen se ke shkelur ligjin. je bere si llafazan gjithollog qe shkruan marrezi po ashtu sic llap llapaqeni Rama neper televizione. O krasas nga TP qe rri ne Tirane si muhaxhir dhe e kalon kohen ne fb se sdi te besh gje tjeter. Zotin Rama o krasas e mban ti ne pushtet qe kujton se ben opozite duke shkruar budallalleqe ne fb dhe duke u servilosur per te legalizuar shtepine. kaq per sonte

    krasasi tp01/11/2017 08:38

    Hormovit,TP, kalo "pasarelen"dhe ngjitu malit perpjete.Une po mbroj Ramen dhe Tahirin thoni ju,Ne komentin e meposhtem une beje te kunderten.Kam 4 vjet qe shprehem,ndersa juve nuk u kam bere hije une, per mos tu angazhuar.Kini harruar te shtoni qe une po "mbroj" edhe kartelin nderkombetar te droges.Une shprehem per nevojen urgjente te integrimit ne BE.Mos edhe kjo ju ka merzitur qe e moret ne dore lapsin dhe karten dhe se na shantazhoke zotrote se heren tjeter do ta kthesh lapsin ne top."Nderkombetaret i mashtroka z.Rama me z.Tahiri thoni Ju".Une nuk kam qene as ne sherbim te oligarkise nderkombetare(soroiste) dhe as asaj vendore, e jo vetem per kete, une nuk i kam votuar as rilindistet me z.Rama ne krye, por as 99 -cat ne bashki apo kudo ne administrate.As kam pasuri te fshehura dhe as te vena ne rruge kriminale.Kam ndertuar nje shtepi pa leje ne Tirane dhe e kam ne proces legalizimi dhe kjo nuk me pengon te theme, se shume politikane dhe nderkombetar jo nga ata qe i mashtroka z.Rama, por miqte e tij, kane tjetersuar pronat e trashegimtareve kudo ku eshte zgjatur dora e tyre,kane nxitur korrupsionin dhe pasurimin e vete, por pjesen e luanit e kane perfituar oligarkija nderkombetare.dhe zedhenesit e tyre.Parat e droges dhe korrupsionit investohen ne pasuri te palujtshme , me therrimet e kanabisit behen "protagonist" fshataret.Ti qe i kupton te gjitha, hesht,apo hiqesh si shejtan budalla ashtu sic ta do puna.z.Rama eshte aty edhe me kontributin tend me siguri.

    Hormova TP31/10/2017 21:40

    O Krasas qe nuk kupton asgje dhe ben sikur je gjitholog. Je nje edvinist injorant. Ben sikur kupton nga politika e madhe dhe futesh vend e pa vend. Faren e kanabsit e mbolli Rama me Tahirin. Krimin e solli Rama me 20 kriminelet e parlamentit. Korrupsionin e beri Rama me femijte e anetareve te Byrose Politike. Dhe nderkombetaret i mashtron Rama me homoseksulaet e MJAFT dhe G99. Kurse ti Krasas qendron si merhum dhe na tregon perralla. Kaq per sonte.

    krasasi tp31/10/2017 17:19

    "Ti cele heret moj bajame".Politika shqiptare, ajo rajonale dhe me gjere, po kalon nje dimer te acarte.Karteli nderkombetar i droges e perfshiu vendin tone ne planet per ta bere lesh e li krejt politiken dhe per ta futur shoqerine ne konflikt permanent.Se kane vetem me Ne, e kane me te gjithe. E kane kryesisht me SHBA.Para nevojes per koka turku dhe revolucion popullor, qendron nevoja uleritese per reforma.integruese dhe perbashkimi me sistemin demokratik perendimor.Kapeni trenin zoterinj politikan.Eshte treni i fundit.Fara e kanabisit erdhi me helikopter, u shpernda me helikopter, parat u mblodhen me helikopter, gjithcka ishte e paravendos nga karteli nderkombetar i droges.Ne funksion te "pllanit" u angazhuan sipas seres nga kreji ne fund.I vetmi qe kreu detyren ishte Visho Ajazi dhe sherbimet partnere.Oferta per reforma, eshte karrota.Ua theksoji z.Ruci se fundmi.Vetingu eshte kerbaci.

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