Atty-Gen Llalla attacks the police: They’re hiding the drug, it is eliminated without the Prosecution’s presence

Atty-Gen Llalla attacks the police: They’re hiding the drug, it is eliminated without the Prosecution’s presence

10:24, 21/04/2017
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Prosecutor General Adriatik Llalla has raised his concern about the huge quantity of cannabis cultivated in Albania. In a joint press conference with minister of Justice Petrit Vasili, Llalla attacked the police, saying they have a low level of discovering the drugs cultivators.

“There are huge quantities of cultivated narcotic substances. It is disturbing that the law enforcing structures, which have the duty of controlling the territory, have a low level of discovering the cultivators”, Llalla said.

The Prosecutor General added that the elimination of the seized narcotics from the police forces is another disturbing problem. According to Llalla, very often it is done without the presence of a prosecutor, which is a violation of the law. The Prosecutor warned the responsible police officers will be arrested should they destroy the material evidence illegally, without the presence of the responsible prosecutor.

Police officers were not the only ones threatened by Llalla, who warned his dependants as well, in case they violate the law.


Lexo edhe:


ai cuni22/04/2017 17:14

po c'thot ky mo? Normale po te vendosesh prokuror te ngopur ne para nuk shkojn ne maj te malit kur kapet droga. Kerkoj llogari prokuroreve se policia cdo rrenj bime narkotike qe kap e publikon. Nen drejtim te prokurorit zbatohet procedura e asgjesimit te lendeve narkotive, procesverbali i asgjesimit perpilohet ne 4 kopje ku 1 e mban prokurori.

Durresaku21/04/2017 14:12

Kush duhet te asgjesohet ne prani te prokurorit, ato bimet qe i shkul o te vogla o te medhaja policia e shkrete? Po ku ishit ju kur policia punonte? O ndyresire po mos ki merak se do te duhet te japesh llogari per te gjitha arrestimet me buje qe ben kot...prandaj funksionon vetegjyqesia ketu ne Shqiperi se e gjithe drejtesia me perjashtime te vogla eshte maskarade...

Mirizeka21/04/2017 12:45

Po he pra beni dicka dhe plaseni ne burg ate kelysh se vetem vodhi e kanabizoi vendin. Mos beni vetem deklarata por veproni se nuk ecet perpara me keta plehra qe qeverisen 4 vjet dhe shih ku e katandisen vendin.

Daj Jaku21/04/2017 10:45

Kjo do të thotë që nuk asgjësohet por riciklohet. A nuk k kupton o Ilir që këtu nuk është faji i prokurorit por i policisë së Xhafëa dhe Edrogës.

Ali Daci21/04/2017 10:32

jo o i nderuar , nuk eshte vetem policia fajtore ne gjithe kete kultivim te kanabisit.. nisja nga Saje qorri e perfundo tek policet..

saje xhafaj21/04/2017 10:32

po normal qe kte do te bejn . kur ti emeron anisa qibini te hetoje haki çakon . si mund pretondojme qe ajo do ta hetoje vertet ortakun e te vellait ?

Iliri21/04/2017 10:31

Po ty te kemi vene te hetosh. Pse per fjalime politike je aty ti? Hetoje kush fsheh. Heret s vone maskarenjte do pergjigjen ne gjykata, prokuroret e korruptar do hetohen nje nga nje

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