Berisha: We are dinghy people today because Edi Rama stole the votes

18:36, 12/11/2022
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“We have rallied here just like 32 years ago when the world saw us as dinghy people”, said Democratic Party Chairman Sali Berisha to the participants in the opposition rally in Tirana today. In the early 1990s, Albanians left the country massively reaching Italy on dinghies crossing the Adriatic Sea. The history is repeating itself, now in northern Europe, where thousands of Albanians reach the UK shores with dinghies and small boats that cross the English Channel.

“Albanians are today dinghy people because Edi Rama stole the votes”, added Berisha.

“Let us stop for a moment and ask why we – after 32 years – became again dinghy people. Is it Albania’s fault? Never! There is no country else blessed as this land, there is no country else richer than this land. But Albanians are today dinghy people because someone – and that someone is Edi Rama – stole their votes, changed their freedom into an illusion, changed their votes into fake votes only to stay in power. This enemy of our freedom, our votes, acknowledges no law, no Constitution, no moral, not anything and he is rushing with the machinery of his narco-state to rob the votes again and along with it the Albanians’ dignity, trust, and hope”.


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