Former Director General of Albanian Police: 14 dangerous criminals still at large due to leaked inside information

Former Director General of Albanian Police: 14 dangerous criminals still at large due to leaked inside information

09:51, 06/09/2022
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Former Director General of the Albanian State Police Gledis Nano held his post only for 11 months before being axed for “non-fulfillment of objectives”, as Interior Minister Bledi Çuçi put it while announcing Nano’s dismissal last week.

Before being fired, Nano seems to have explained in his own way why the operations of the State Police have failed to capture wanted persons and the authors of recent criminal events. He made a very strong accusation, declaring that 14 dangerous criminal managed to escape after information for police operation was leaked.

"There was a leak of information either from those who carried out the investigation or from the operational teams. We targeted 32 and arrested 18. Members of extremely violent gangs of drug trafficking and contract killers”, said Nano in an interview for the French channel Metropole.

“There is a justice reform going on at this moment. Prosecutors and judges have been fired and we are doing the same with our police officers. This will take some time. For this reason, I had to sanction many of my colleagues in very high positions. They were fired. This is because if one day we want to integrate into the EU, we have to overturn some rules. One of these is the fight against corruption”, he said.


Lexo edhe:


altini06/09/2022 13:57

A ishte ky drejtor policie te cilit ju kerkua doreheqja pas tragjedise se Himares, ku zyrtari i policise i riemeruar prej tij shkaktoi vdekjen e vogelushes 7-vjecare qe po pushonte me familjen? A pati ky burre ndonje brerje te ndergjegjes per ate qe ndodhi? Mos na e beni hero tani qe e shkarkoi qeveria qe e pati ngarkuar 1 vit me pare.

Nik06/09/2022 10:03

edhe sikur ti kishe kapur edhe ata te tjeret do ikje o ditezi o ajror

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