Democrat MP accepts Berisha’s election as the party chairman: The will of the members must be respected

Democrat MP accepts Berisha’s election as the party chairman: The will of the members must be respected

11:53, 23/05/2022
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Democratic Party MP Grida Duma commented the election of former Premier Sali Berisha as the new party chairman, saying this was the will of the members and it must be respected. Duma also appreciated Berisha’s contribution for the party and the country.

She said the revival of the Democratic Party will begin with Berisha, but she admitted there are internal problems that must be solved first.

“I am not looking for any post from the Democratic Party. I have said that whether the party would be considered as a creature by Berisha it needed to be set free to grow. I think he could have done better choices. His (political) weight is bigger than the others’. The will of the Democrats must be acknowledged”, Duma told media reporters.


Lexo edhe:


Eli23/05/2022 18:02

Sic dredh bishtin, ashtu dredh edhe fjalen kjo. O sali ,largoje kete felliqesire se nuk I duhet jo demokrateve por asnjeriu kjo bishtperdredhura e lulush salihajnit. Kurre mos ardhim ne pushtet me keto pushta dhe lavire rugesh, qe na turperuan si popull e si komb.

The truth23/05/2022 17:49

Mos u jepni me rendesi deklaratave te aryre qe nuk ju bashkuan PD ne kete proces. Edhe kur japin deklarata kunder PD mos reagoni, i injoroni totalisht. Cdo gje qe bejne ose thone eshte e urdheruar nga padronet e tyre. Ata jane dufishvte motivuar te jene kunder PD, e para se jane ashtu i urdherojne dhe e dyta e kane te qarte kristal se kjo eshte hera e fundit qe ata jane deputet. Ata do te vazhdojne misionin kunder PD deri ne zgjedhjet e tjera parlamentare. Pas atyre zgjedhjeve nuk do te kene asnje vlere dhe nuk dovte kene me akses ne media.

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