Democrat members ignore Basha, meeting organized by the Socialist Party

Democrat members ignore Basha, meeting organized by the Socialist Party

14:38, 29/12/2021
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The Democratic Party members in Dibra have abandoned the disgraced chairman Lulzim Basha who went to the eastern city for a meeting with the local membership. Dibra Democrats appealed to Basha to respect the will of the membership which, on December 18, voted in the referendum to ratify his dismissal. 43,385 members voted in favor of the decision to fire Basha, taken by the National Assembly of December 11. The Democrats added they will not allow the party to be held of hostage of a minority faction.

Concerning the meeting, Dibra Democrats also said persons that are not party members were present, adding that the meeting was organized by the father of the head of the local branch of the Socialist Party.


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