Politically persecuted from the communist regime demand from the parliament to ban Socialism period artistic works

Politically persecuted from the communist regime demand from the parliament to ban Socialism period artistic works

13:01, 01/12/2021
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Former politically persecuted from the communist regime in Albania have condemned the latest attempts to glorify the past regime in the last days of November, during the national holidays of Independence and Liberation Days. Representatives of the associations of the former politically persecuted from the dictatorial regime issued a statement today to express their indignation for what happened in the parliamentary Commission of the Security where the Socialist MP Bujar Çela sent wishing messages in the Commission WhatsApp group using the picture of the communist dictator Enver Hoxha who ruled the country with an iron hand from 1994 to his death in 1985.

They also condemned the re-production of the politically-inspired comedy Prefekti (The Prefect) that mocks the nationalist figures of the country that were considered as enemies by the communist regime.

Representatives of the associations Indrit Hoxha and Besim Ndregjoni demanded from the parliament to take measures against MP Çela as well as a law that prohibits putting on scene artistic works of the Socialist Realism period.

© SYRI.net

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