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Albin Kurti: Kosovo is living with Albania’s pain and trembling

Albin Kurti: Kosovo is living with Albania’s pain and trembling

09:53, 26/11/2019
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Kosovo Premier-designate Albin Kurti has expressed his solidarity and condolences to the Albanian families who lost their dear ones from the powerful earthquake that hit Albania today at 3:55 in the morning. Kurti expressed Kosovo’s readiness to help Albania, wishing such devastating earthquakes never repeat.

“It was felt strongly in Prishtina too. We all woke up. But our minds, eyes and ears now are on Durrës, Kurbin and Thumana. Condolences to the families of the victims and quick recovery to the hurt people. We pray and wish the earthquake does not repeat. Kosovo lives with Albania’s pain and trembling. We are ready to help for anything”, Kurti writes.


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