Former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri gives up the deputy mandate

Former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri gives up the deputy mandate

10:40, 03/05/2018
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Former Interior Minister Saimir Tahiri has decided to give up his deputy mandate after month of public debates on his implication in drugs traffic, following the arrest of his cousin in Italy. The deputy of the Socialist Party (PS) announced his decision today in a press conference held in the parliament house.

PS voted against the Prosecution’s request to have Tahiri arrested last year, but now the former minister is opening way himself.

"I give up my deputy mandate today, I will no longer be a deputy, but a common citizens like thousands of others in this country, with my right, my family, my people, with those who trust me. I will face justice just like I will face the clowns in the politics that today are selling rubbish. I am and will be here, before you, I will go till the end”, Tahiri said in his statement.


Lexo edhe:


gac03/05/2018 13:00

Asnje fakt nuk keni per Tahirin.Fakte jane akti i kontrollit te shtetit per vjedhjen e rruges durres kukes sepse eshte akt i nje institucioni shtetror.Nuk eshte fakt mikrofoni i L.Bashes ,e.Alibeajt apo kujdo tjeter sharlatani qe hedhe uje ne havan pa fakte.Prokuroria aty eshte .Te nxjerre faktet ,por nuk ka .sepse nuk eshte fakt denoncimi i kujtdo sepse duhet prova per kete.

t03/05/2018 11:18

ajo qe kane kerkuar gjermanet do shkoje deri ne fund,mos u dekurajo o as,ata do ti hapin ,negociatat por kur rama ta kete dorezuar tahirin,qe hiqet si esnaf tani

Asi03/05/2018 10:46

Ishte nje nga tre variantet qe une si qytetar i thjeshte parashikova. Pra Europa genjehet me luge bosh dhe loja e Rames vazhdon me genjesjtra te mare statusin. Pse nuk e forezoi me çare mandatin? Apo prokurorja e re i ka krijuar kushte te dale i pafajshem. Oresti me 836.000 euro u lirua, e pse jo edhe gjykata e re qartazi mbeshtetese e mazhorances do ta nxjerin ballelart te pagajshem me 126 shefa policie ne kerkim e te atatisur ne drejtim te paditur.

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