Basha accuses PM Rama of allowing €50 million unpaid taxes to his cronies

Basha accuses PM Rama of allowing €50 million unpaid taxes to his cronies

14:07, 22/01/2018
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha said Albanian Premier Edi Rama is using double standards with the taxes, raising them for the citizens while excluding his clients and the gangs that keep him in office.

“The government will put zero taxes on the 5-star hotels that will be built as laundering machines for the dirty money. They will not pay taxes for the next ten years, whereas a small hotel with five rooms in Korçë will start paying 20% of VAT. Anything that can be bought in shops will be taxed 20% more”, Basha said today in Korçë.

The Democrat chairman said Rama has put the country’s wealth at the disposal of a fistful of people, through which he makes himself rich.

“He has chosen to raise the price of energy and oil, so that his cronies at ARMO can take 220 million Euros, besides €50 millions in unpaid taxes, which would be enough to pay internships for nearly 30 thousand graduates each year”, Basha said.

He added Rama’s big priority is putting justice under control to guarantee the that anyone helping him to keep office remains untouchable.


    Lexo edhe:


    FRYTI22/01/2018 17:58

    Jam mekete popull, qe do te dije ta shembe SURRELIn,, e mashtrimit e te genjeshtrave.por lideret mbesin lidere,,,,Porpara z BASHA,, teshporretkerma politike qe po qelb shqiperine.

    Kalem22/01/2018 15:05

    Per nje te ardhme me te mir dhe te sigurt te gjith ne shesh te cojm para drejtesis rilindjen

    Sajmir22/01/2018 14:43

    Basha jeni nje lider me ide europiane jemi me ty fitore

    Ermal22/01/2018 14:42

    Nuk ka shpres tjeter ne kete vend vec teje te bashkohemi ti themi jo ketyre rilindesve qe e prishen kete vend

    Qazim22/01/2018 14:41

    Keni mbeshtetjen e popullit Basha ne 27 do jemi te gjith ne shesh per te rrezuar nje bandit qe qeveris vendin ton

    Valbona22/01/2018 14:22

    Keni mbeshtetjen tone ballshi i dha voten ky i mbylli punet e falimentoj kush mban pergjejgjesi per kete

    Jetmir22/01/2018 14:21

    Nuk ka veting me ramen dhe xhafen ne krye te shetit me kata ka vetem mjerim te shqiperis

    Luljeta22/01/2018 14:19

    Shpres e Shqipetarve je ju basha eshte opozita se per ndryshe ky popull do ngel rrugve fare me kete te cmendur qe e drejton

    Johana22/01/2018 14:18

    Si ka mundsi nje njeri te bej kaq shum.pislliqe dhe nuk mban pergjegjesi per asnje gje vetem nje i cmenduar si rama i ben keto gjwra e varferoj popullin qe ta blej prap ne zgjedhjet e ardhshme

    Ervin22/01/2018 14:17

    Pastron parat rama me.beson dhe sajo qorrin

    Darjon22/01/2018 14:16

    E varferuan vendin e kan ber kete popull te flas me vete

    Alfons22/01/2018 14:16

    Populli eshte ne mbeshtetjen tuaj Basha nje ore e me para te rrezojm keta kriminela

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