Noka accuses Basha of

Noka accuses Basha of "dividing the Democrats for Edi Rama’s benefit"

14:30, 12/10/2021
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Democratic Party MP Flamur Noka has repeated his accusations against Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha, saying he is dividing the party for the benefit of Albanian Premier Edi Rama.

On Monday, Basha decided to release Noka from his duty as vice chairman of the Security Commission and threatened him with expulsion from the Democrat parliamentary group.

Noka is a supporter of former chairman Sali Berisha, whom Basha expelled from the parliamentary group.

“With his words he says his goal is overthrowing Rama, meanwhile the latter continues to reign uncontested for 12 years”, Noka wrote on his Facebook page.

“With his acts, Rama’s hostage is ‘fighting’ him by expelling and dividing the Democrats”.


Lexo edhe:


Fatmir Lohja12/10/2021 14:53

Lulka po percan parine per te ruajtur karriken e tij,te cilen ia dhuruat pa asnje merit. Rama eshte thjeshte spektator duke ndjekur grindjet ne pd.

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