President Meta greets the ‘encouraging messages’ of the EU-Western Balkans Summit

President Meta greets the ‘encouraging messages’ of the EU-Western Balkans Summit

15:52, 06/10/2021
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Albanian President Ilir Meta commented today the results of the EU-Western Balkans Summit in Brdo, Slovenia.

“Today’s messages from the EU-Western Balkans Summits are encouraging”, President Meta wrote.

“The European perspective of the region will vitalize through credible reforms, based on the European principles and values of democracy, fundamental rights, and the rule of law.

I’m grateful for the political support and thorough help the European Union continues to give Albania and our entire region, as a first and natural economic partner, staying totally within the lines of the common strategic goal of the enlargement”.

Meta also repeated the importance of a rapid start of the membership negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, and the liberalization as soon as possible of visas regime with Kosovo.


Lexo edhe:


00706/10/2021 19:06

keto takime jan genjeshtra te europes poju garantob se kurr ballkani nuk antarsohet ne eu sikur se turqia qe 50 vjet negociata e mane fund u kthyen ne zero europa nuk funksionon as sot as kurr per kundra zi dote ket edhe luftra mes veti se manroni asht shpiuni i putinit aj po mundohet me nis trazira ne kosov bashk me putinin aleatin e vet keshu qe edhe gjermania eka kuptu dhe shum shpejt dote ken kthim kufijsh mes veti keshu qe franca per mes trzirave ne ballkan mundohet ta kthej rusien ketu dhe ta fus ameriken ne luft me asht makroni qe thojke nato asht vjetru po mos te ish amerika evropen rusia dota okuponte per 24 or.dhe keta nuk jan falenderus amerikes. ne fund ni keshill punoni spas keshillave te amerikes se sate ket amerik dote ket shiptari po spunuat evropa bashk me ballkanin dota ket fatin e avganistanit ....

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