Basha comments the IMF Report: A confirmation of what we’ve been asking for months from the government

Basha comments the IMF Report: A confirmation of what we’ve been asking for months from the government

09:22, 01/12/2020
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The opposition leader Lulzim Basha commented the latest report of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), saying it confirms what the opposition has been requesting for months from Edi Rama’s government.

"IMF published a critical report on the economic situation in Albania. The report confirms what we have been requesting for month from Rama’s government: To give more financial aid to the Albanian families”, Basha wrote.

The report says that the Covid-19 help packages in Albania are “smaller than the average in the developing countries and in the Western Balkans”.

“The Albanian citizens deserve better. Albania deserves a government that takes care of people instead of itself”, Basha added in his comment.


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