Is it the end of ‘the Turkish dream’?

Is it the end of ‘the Turkish dream’?

By Çim Peka - 02/10/2017

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reacted understandably nervous in the end of a referendum on the Northern Iraqi Kurds independence. In his statement, trying to undo the Kurdish efforts in the North Iraq, he referred to Kosovo, quoted as saying that “114 states have recognized Kosovo, but unfortunately could not become a state. There are still many problems. Northern Iraq, what you will do with Israel alone?”.

This new position of the Turkish President goes against his attitude, expressed emotionally in Kosovo in 2013, when Erdogan said “we all belong to the same history, common culture, common civility; we are peoples who became brothers on this structure. Never forget, Turkey is Kosovo and Kosovo is Turkey”.

In both cases, the Turkish President is wrong. Kosovo is a State, despite of Turkey’s new geostrategic circumstances; also Kosovo is not Turkey. Kosovo is not Serbia or Albania either, no matter who says what. Kosovo is simply Kosovo. A newborn, sovereign, independent state, with its problems in state-forming, just like any new state. It’s no big deal really why the Turkish President sees as a problem the number of UN member countries that have recognized Kosovo so far, the real problem lies in the fact that he connect Kosovo’s being-a-state with the UN membership, aligning Turkey with Moscow and Belgrade in rapport with Kosovo. It could be seen as a harmless concession should such a statement not come in a time of Turkey distancing itself from the 70-year-old Euro-Atlantism and its approaching to Russia. However, it’s up to Turkey to explain its rapport with Kosovo in a short term.

To be honest, this is not the real rapport between Kosovo and Turkey. Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Kosovo’s independence, despite its domestic issues with the Kurdish minority. It supported the independence and lobbied for further recognition. It helped Kosovo’s institutions, its economy and the defending troops of Kosovo (TMK).

But we must be aware it did not do that because Kosovo Albanians are brothers to Turks, neither because “Kosovo is Turkey and Turkey is Kosovo”. It did it simply for the sake of its interests. This is what Abanians of Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia and wherever they are should understand. The rapports among them and Turkey are ones that are dictated by the state interests of each party. There is nothing wrong here. The mutual interests are the backbone of the relationships among countries and peoples. Albanians need to understand that and leave the folklorisms.

Having said all that, we must accept that in the history of the relationship among Albanians and Turkey, from the fall of the Ottoman Empire, the relations have been strong, friendly and somehow brotherly; with their ups and downs, but still Turkey remains a regional politic, economic, diplomatic and military power with a positive influence on Albanians. By the other hand, we could not and cannot interfere in the relationship between Turkey and Serbia, exactly because of Turkey’s national interests. That relationship, despite Kosovo, has been excellent (excluding NATO campaign in Kosovo in 1999). They remain excellent to date, especially the economic ones, even better than the ones with the Albanians in their respective states.

The position of any foreign leader or country in relation to Kosovo is automatically a position in relation to Albanians as well. Mr. Erdogan’s rapports with Albanians up to his last statement, have been friendly. His individual rapports with the Albanian leadership have had their ups and downs. From 2013, his personal rapports with the Albanian Prime Minister have been more than friendly. Rama’s visits to Erdogan’s house now have become a routine. Nothing bad here, as long as their relationship translates into healthy relationships among countries they represent. Erdogan’s brutal intervention in Rama’s favour during the last electoral campaign, despite our criticism, would have been excused if the individual rapports would turn into stable institutional rapports between the two countries.

For his own reasons and under isolation, Edi Rama’s propaganda has tried to convince us that Turkey is Albanians’ salvation. Erdogan’s two individual projects for the creation of an Albanian airline with the help of the Turkish Airlines were vividly trumpeted. Even though it is a positive thing, it will not affect Albania’s economic development. Constructing an airport in the south of the country is also positive, but its success does not depend by a new airplanes track, but by its usefulness for the country’s economic development. If it is constructed and left like Kukësi airport, that would be a waste of money.

Returning to Erdogan’s declaration, it is up to him to clear the air about his government’s rapport with Kosovo’s state. By the other hand, it helped to return to ground the Turkey enthusiasts and make them understand that there’s no eternal brotherhood in the relations between nations, but congruence or incongruence. Also, he wore off the last mask from Edi Rama’s face in the so-called “Turkish dream”. At the same time, he removed an argument from the politic charlatans, like the one of Besa in Macedonia, who said he had “talked with Edi Rama about the Turkish investments in Macedonia”.



    Lexo edhe


    fcds03/10/2017 13:17

    @ Loran shehu, qetesohu o thi, se paske dhe mbiemer aziatik te prapambetur dhe barbar

    Respekte02/10/2017 22:36

    Bravoooo , shum domethenes shkriimi !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mos u limito ketu z Peka....po behet nami ne Shqipri...nuk kuptoj pse nuk flisni me shum.Shumica e "gazetarve" kan frik ose jan te blere....Per hir te Zotit ...angazhohuni me shume se njerzit po vdesin per buken e gojes.Pergezime stafit..flm.

    ORE CIMKE PEKA, DERVISHI ETJ02/10/2017 18:44

    I nderuar Z Peka, ky shkrim ne stilin dhe formatin gazetaresk eshte per tu vleresuar. Pjesa derrmuese e ketyre fakteve qendron. E para, une besoj se Erdogani me shume do shqiptaret sesa Ramen. E dyta, eshte me se e vertete qe jo vetem Kosova por edhe Shqiperia nuk kane arritur te jene shtete tamam. E treta, nuk mendoj qe eshte gabim qe Erdogani ta quaj popullin tone popull vella ndofta per metafore, pozita dhe interesa gjeopolitike apo per nje 500 vjecar bashkejetese. E katerta, "dashuria" e Erdoganit per popullin tone eshte pertej areporteve apo rruges Durres-Morine. Nuk e shikojme me vend qe keni nje urretje te shfrenuar kundrejt Erdonganit vetem sepse Ai mbeshtet Ramen. Nuk mbeshtet Ramen por popullin shqiptare, dhe ketu argumenti, filozofia jote bie poshte. Ketej e akuzon Erdoganin si nje fundamentalist, Islamist apo iziolonist e ketej na mbeshteska nje te pa fe, katolik, kristjan apo budist, crendesi ka kur eshte individ. Por asesi, nuk mund te heqesh paralele marredhenieve shtetore mes Turqise, Serbise dhe Shqiperise. Per kujtese dhe retrospektive, kur flitej qe Nato te nenshkruante ne Kumanove 1999 me gjeneralin Anglez Mike Xhakson dhe serbet u terhoqen. Mendoj se ishte presidenti Turk me Mejdanin qe bene nje vidieo-link deklarate qe ne rast se nuk firmoset marreveshja Turqia hyn kembesorisht ne Serbi. Treni qe u nis nga Beogradi per ne kosove ishte telefonata e Erdoganit qe I thote: po vazhdove edhe njezet minuta udhetim, avionet Turk jane mbi Beograd. Pra Z Peka, nuk mendoj qe mund te godasesh interesat tona me Turkun duke sulmuar Erdoganin vetem e vetem qe urren Ramen. Sikur neve shqiptaret qe si kope delesh qe jemi te prodhojme qofte ndonje udheheqes Grek, Erdogani do e respektonte verdiktin e sovranit. Neser iken Rama-ky I cmendur dhe lapanjos por Erdogani do presi edhe Bashen si mik, vella apo byrazer. Andaj, te jemi zhveshur nga inatet tona personale dhe te godasim miqte me te forte te kombit. Uroj shkrime te tjera me me pak kolor.

    Buki02/10/2017 18:32

    Kam rrespekt per ty Peka, por ja ke fut kot në shume gjera.

    Erdogani e ka mbeshtet fuqishem Kosoven. Nëse Europa do e lerr Kosoven, Turqia do ta mbroj nga pushtimi eventual serb, ashtu siç beri me Shqiperine kur Greqi deshti ta pushtonte.

    Askush nuk foli atëhere perveç Turqise.

    Sa per Ramen, ato jane interesa partiake personale, edhe Basha do bente mire ta takoj Erdoganin ashtu siç beri Rama perpara se të behej kryeminsiter.

    Erl Kodra02/10/2017 17:19

    Pavaresisht se kush eshte Edi Rama, qe per mendimin tim ka aftesi diabolike si demagog i dores se pare, pavaresisht se kush eshte Erdogan qe i ka tronditur raportet e Turqise me perendimin, Turqia ne vetvete ka qene dhe mbetet aleati me i madh i shqiptarve ne bote. Dekleratat e Erdogan per Kosoven jane thjesht perdorim per interesa imediate te presidentit Erdogan. Por kjo nuk e zhben ose nuk mund te prish raportet shteterore mes Turqise dhe Shqiperise. Turqia nuk eshte thjesht "fuqia me e madhe rajonale", ajo eshte shume me teper se aq; eshte nje nder fuqite ushtarake, ekonomike dhe politike me te medha ne bote, padyshim krahas Anglise, Frances dhe Gjermanise. E pozicionuar ne piken me strategjike te globit tokesor, me nje fuqi ushtarake te jashtezakonshme, fuqi berthamore, aty ku ndodhen bazat me te medha ushtarake amerikane ne rajon. Ne kete kontekst, Turqia mbetet lojtari kyc ne Mesdhe dhe me gjere. Raportet e Shqiperise me Turqine nuk mund te vihen ne dyshim, pavaresisht se kush eshte kryeminister ne Shqiperi ose President ne Turqi. Edi Rama dhe presidenti Erdogan jane te perkoheshem, ndersa Turqia dhe shqiptaret ne Ballkan do te jene te perjetshem.

    gjykimi02/10/2017 17:19

    Cimo!Nuk me pelqe te te kundershtoj pornuk jam dakort me Ty;Ed rama eshte fare i blinduar nga miqesia me Erdon dhethenjet e ketij te fundit per afersine vellazerore ndermjet dy popujve tane jane korekte. Berisha e ka humbur kete shans ndaj''endet rrugeve'' pa perkrahjen shume te nevojeshme te tija . Ky eshte dallimi , dallim i cili do vulosi ende per nje kohe jo te shkurter qendrimin ne pushtet te ER.

    Loran shehu02/10/2017 15:41

    Z Cim Peka megjith se kto kohet e fundit nuk ke mbajtur no nje qendrim shum te mir ne pergjthsi por kete artikull e ke ber sic duhet hallall esht shum e vertet kjo qe ke then tamam boll me me aziatiket e te prapambeturit qe po na conin ne gremin bile kjo tuf barbaresh deshi dhe te perdhosi figuren ton kombetare Skenderbeun

    Shto koment
