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The Albanian man dies of cancer from high radioactive radiation, worked in the center of Tirana Foto ilustruese

The Albanian man dies of cancer from high radioactive radiation, worked in the center of Tirana

14:30, 10/03/2017
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Journalist Denis Dyrnjaja has told the sad story of an Albanian man in his forties, who lost his battle against cancer. According to what the journalist says, the Italian oncologists, while trying to save his life, had noticed he had highly radioactive radiation in his body. They asked him whether he worked in any factory or lived in a radiated are. The answer was shocking: “I work in a bank in the center of Tirana”.

“Who is killing the Albanians, without war but with a war balance every year? It is the food or the polluted air, water or other products of everyday consume, the suspicious pills, the materials used for the construction of the buildings we live in, cellular aerials that surround us everywhere?” Dyrnjaja asks.

He adds the Italian doctors had told the patient they have been dealing with rare types of cancer from Albania.


Lexo edhe:


HERMES10/03/2017 15:18

Mjafton te kontrollohet cilsia ajrit me aparatura (qe askush si posedon ne Shqiperi) ne zonen e ish-Uzines Traktorve, prane (news24) tani fabrike kepucesh italjane me emetim tymrash kimik po vdesin njerez. Kush i kontrollon kto tymra oxhaku??

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