The orchestrated democracy and empty rhetoric of the Albanian Joker

The orchestrated democracy and empty rhetoric of the Albanian Joker

By Agim Nesho - 10/01/2022
Democracy is the best political system that Albanian society has chosen.  And for this we are eternally grateful to the West and the US for helping us change the system.
Not that the wise and freedom-loving Albanian people did not deserve it in time, but medieval regimes and savage dictatorships did not enable it.  The future of the Albanian people is generally determined by the interests of the leader's power, who held power by any action and means, exploiting the occasional conjunctures and collaborating with the dominant powers of the time to control the power.
Unfortunately, the opportunity to be free in our elections has not been made possible by Eastern collective psychology, the dominant psychology layered in time by the domination of the various empires that have ruled over our country, which does not question power and leadership, that what the great American political scientist Samuel Huntington rightly calls it 'servitude'.
We drowned drunken in freedom in the great sea of ​​democracy with great faith in its values ​​and principles, but forgot the rules of power and the interests of the powers to manage the world.  We looked with idealism and confidence at those who treated us with love but also with the pragmatism of those in the role of the world order leader.
Stability often prevailed over democracy, and the political class realized how it could rule the old-fashioned way in a free system with equal opportunities for all.  Liberal democracy was transformed into a partisan system and leaders projected themselves as irreplaceable to produce stability.
In the late 90's the prominent Albanian analyst and philosopher Fatos Lubonja was the hero of the New York Times where his editorials talked about the mistakes made by the west not to invest in democratic institutions, but in certain individuals.  25 years later everything is forgotten, despite the fact that Lubonja and many other intellectuals are raising the problem of the creation of a captive, corrupt state and the fading of democracy in Albania.
This time the bureaucrats dealing with Albania have chosen the easy path of an 'orchestrated' democracy by unconditionally supporting a clientelistic leader who meets every requirement, without noticing that Albania is moving towards an autocratic regime uncertain about its Western future. 
Clientelists in this region of the world have shown that they quickly change empires and favor those who secure them power.  In Albania you can find this precedent in many cases.
The last Albanian clientelist has ready his alternative strategy with the leader of neo-Ottoman Turkey, who is his role model in every aspect;  political, economic and that there is no discrepancy in concept with the kleptocratic regime of Tirana.  The pleasure of meeting certain requirements such as taking Afghans, or the opportunity to carry out a 'peace' project with Vucic for the Balkans is a naiveté created by games with lobbyists and guarantees created by individuals and organizations seeking to meet their interests, that are far from the interests of the state.  Before supporting a clientelist leader and immediately shutting down the contested April 25 elections for reasons of 'stability', one must understand that the people are increasingly critical of the regime that uses every means to increase its rule, seizing the state,  empowering its oligarchs with public money, seizing justice so as not to condemn the affairs of incinerators, patronage workers, the New Ring road, Private Public Partnerships, the port of Durres, etc., which have raised popular hatred not only to the regime but also to those who unnecessarily support them.
The deep crisis of Albanian democracy began with the regime's attacks on state institutions to capture them;  the attack on the institution of the President of the Republic, rampant corruption and deepened with the recognition and support of the regime with the April 25 elections.  This support was concretized with the management of the Opposition coup after the elections to control the popular democratic reaction, falling into the game of the regime, which has declared 'its enemies' who endanger its power, figures like Berisha and Meta.
This orchestration was viewed with suspicion, and in the absence of transparency and bias, when public opinion expected to take a stand on the kleptocratic regime of Edi Rama, factored Mr. Berisha not as a victim but as a hope for change.  The people supported Dr.  Berisha that he believes in his causes, is not sold and bought and stays alone until the end as on January 8.
Berisha may not be the ideal leader, considering his bright and shadowy aspects, but he remains the charismatic leader chosen by the people themselves. The cause of Dr.  Berisha's defense of pluralism in Albania as well as the hatred of the regime and the corruption that is destroying Albania are turning this broad movement into a popular democratic movement against the regime.
The only one who understands the danger is the clientelist leader Rama, who has achieved his greatest achievement at this moment in history to be believed as an 'agent' of change from the West.  What the West does not understand is the role of the Joker in Gotham City, who after desecrating the city makes a show.  He is the 'unifying' leader who, after destroying the opposition, seeks to co-govern with the people, surpassing Hugo Chavez.
The empty rhetoric of the Tirana City Joker does not impress even today the most naive in the west who trust his lobbyists more, who can promote him in their career, than the ‘democrat’ Rama.  Today there are two realities;  one that Rama and his supporters try to create, and the reality experienced by the people seeking change and the restoration of democracy.
Orchestrated democracy does not work especially when the Joker's rhetoric is being drowned out by the loud bells of scandals.  In the absence of a vision and concrete projects for the region, it is better that the democratic processes are not orchestrated, but trusted to the people.
*Former Albanian Ambassador to the United Nations


Lexo edhe


DEMOKRATI I BAZES10/01/2022 17:30

Nuk ka nevoje qe demokratet, antaret dhe simpatizantet e Partise Demokratike te vazhdojne kot me kot perplasjet e pergjakshme fizike per zyrat tek oborri i selise se PD me forcat policore te narko-shtetit dhe me banditet mercenare te Lul Braves. Apo nuk ka pse te vazhdojne perplasjet demokrate me demokrate neper rrethet dhe qytetet e Shqiperise. PD-ja tashme po mbrohet nga vete kryetari i saj Edvin Kristaq Rama dhe n/kryetari Lul Brava! PD-ja vdiq qe ne vitin 2013 kur iu dhurua Lulzim Bashes. Edvin Rama e ka marre De-Facto drejtimin e PD-se qysh pas takimit ne zyren e Lulit me Xhorxh Soros ne vitin 2014. Qe nga viti 2014, pas cdo vendimi dhe veprimi personal te Lul Braves qendron vete Edvin Kristaq Rama dhe jo Sali Berisha, sic perhapte fjale Luli. Kjo tashme doli fare e qarte si drita e diellit!
E vetmja zgjidhje ne kete situate eshte qe i ashtuquajturi Komisioni i Rithemelimit te PD te kthehet ne Komisionin e Themelimit te Partise se re "Foltorja Demokratike". Nese qe te gjithe demokratet mbi 100 mije antaret dhe mbi 500 mije simpatizantet aktuale te Partise Demokratike ikin nga partia e Lul Braves dhe krijojne partine e tyre te re, te paster, demokratike, pa gabime dhe e tipit konservator, Lul Braves vulehumbur, i mbetet vetem selia, vula dhe Gaz Bardhi, Gridarja Oh-oh-oh me Salijanjin dhe 5-6 qelbesire te tjere interesaxhinj te paskrupull, pa antare dhe lakuriq fare. Ne kete rast Lul Brava nuk ka se si te perfaqesoje me demokratet as moralisht, as realisht dhe as ligjerisht. Secili mbeshtetes te shkoje tek partia e vet, keshtu qe evitohet dhe perfundon cdo perplasje fizike midis mbeshtetesve perkates te Lul Braves dhe Dr. Berishes. Midis Lul Braves dhe demokrateve nuk ka me asnje lidhje dhe asgje qe t'i bashkoje me ne te ardhmen. Ndarja tashme eshte historike!
Lul Brava le ta mbaje edhe seline edhe vulen, qe iu dhuruan ne vitin 2013! Partia nuk eshte as selia, as vula dhe as flamuri, por eshte antaresia! Nje kryetari po i more antaresine dhe simpatizantet, ia ke marre komplet partine. Prandaj nuk kane pse te humbasin kohen kot, mundin dhe djersen e tyre duke u perpleshur dhe duke u perplasur perpara selise se PD-se, por te vazhdojne punen per themelimin, regjistrimin dhe strukturimin e te gjitha niveleve ne qender dhe ne baze te partise se re "Foltorja Demokratike".
Le te themelohet partia e re "Foltorja Demokratike". Te gjitha i ka gati, mbi 100 mije antaret, strukturat dhe mbi 500 mije mbeshtetesit e saj!
Pas kesaj, pyetja e pare qe do t'i bejne kudo dhe gjithmone gazetaret Lul Braves, do te jete: Ku i ke antaret? Ku i ke demokratet? Ata iken, ty te mbeti vetem selia dhe vula, ata kane partine e tyre tani!
Keshtu qe Lulzim Brava nga nje vulembajtes do te kthehet shume shpejt ne nje vulehumbur dhe vasal dhe uturak i Edvin Kristaq Rames.

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