Rama must go

Rama must go

By David L. Phillips - 11/06/2019


Albania’s Prime Minister Edi Rama threatened to fire President Ilir Meta for postponing local elections. Meta is justifiably concerned that a ballot in today’s volatile climate could cause violence and further undermine Albania’s EU candidacy. Moreover, Meta was exercising his legal authority pursuant to article 92 of the constitution, which empowers the President with the authority to determine the date of elections for parliament and local government. Rather than brinksmanship, Albania needs dialogue and a transition plan to strengthen democracy.

What motivates Edi Rama? Rama’s attack on Meta has little to do with the electoral process. His confrontational approach is a blatant bid to consolidate power by marginalizing opponents who demand good government and accountability for corruption.

Hundreds of thousands of Albanians protested over the weekend. They believe Rama stole national elections in June 2017, and demand his resignation.

Protesters also demand accountability for corruption. The Voice of America recently published an expose of Rama’s efforts to manipulate hiring in the prison system. A leaked transcript revealed collusion between the former director of Albania’s penitentiary system and parliamentarians in Rama’s Socialist Party (SP).

If Washington supports justice reform, it should distance itself from Albanian politicians like Rama who act more like gangsters than statesmen. Rama has become a national embarrassment. It is time for him to go.

Rama’s departure from politics should be part of the following plan to stabilize Albania:

1.         Rama would immediately resign as prime minister. He would receive immunity from criminal prosecution in exchange for a pledge to disassociate from politics now and in the future.

2.         An interimmulti-party technocratic government would be established to manage Albania’s political and economic affairs. Individuals with integrity would be tasked with ensuring accountability and guiding the country.

3.         Albania’s Central Election Commission (CEC) would be reconstituted with participation by experts from the UN Office of Electoral Assistance and the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

4.         The revamped CEC would hold concurrent local and national elections on June 30, 2020. Domestic and international election monitors would work to ensure that the ballot is free and fair.

This plan can only work with support from the United States. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Matthew A. Palmer maintains that the U.S. is committed “to using all the tools that we have to support the fight against organized [crime], to support the fight against corruption, to support accountability, transparency and good governance.”Sounds good, but talk is cheap.

The United States, which has always supported democracy and the rule of law in Albania, is on the wrong side of Albania’s domestic debate. The State Department blames the opposition for exercising its freedom of assembly and freedom of expression. Instead, US officials should hold Rama accountable for ordering the security services to use tear gas and truncheons on peaceful pro-democracy demonstrators in Skanderbeg Square over the weekend.

Why does the US stand by Rama when he is so clearly a part of the problem?Rama’s demeanor brings shame to honorable Albanians. His trash-talking uses language unbecoming a gentleman, no less a head of government.

Rama recklessly denigrated Voice of America, saying its reporting comes from the “trash bin.” Rama endorsed legislation restricting media freedoms, which was condemned by the European Federation of Journalists, European Centre for Press & Media Freedom, PEN International and Reporters Without Borders. SPmedia legislation is a Trojan Horse for censorship, which violates the constitution and threatens freedom of expression.

Albania’s institutions are in disarray. It has not had a functional Constitutional Court for more than a year. Problems with the rule of law are aggravated by non-functionality of the High Court.

Bild, the reputable German publication, recently published an investigative piece documenting how the mafia manipulates elections in Albania. Narcotics revenue is widely rumored to support the SP.

Rama’s departure would enhance democracy, creating space for young leadership in the SP and other parties to more fully emerge. I have nothing against Edi Rama personally. Simply put, I have worked on Albanian issues for 30 years and love Albania. Rama is a dinosaur who has outlived his usefulness.

Rama should go into exile. After leaving Albania, Rama can go to Antalya and grow old with his friend and autocratic ally, Tayyip Erdogan.


Mr. Phillips is Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. He served as a Senior Adviser and Foreign Affairs Expert at the US Department of State during the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations. He is author of Liberating Kosovo: Coercive Diplomacy and US Intervention (Harvard’s Kennedy School).

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Ajo12/06/2019 11:02

Qe Rama duhet te ike kjo nuk diskutohet! Por kjo nuk do te thote te ike duke mare milionat e vjedhura nga gjaku dhe djersa e ketij populli te cfilitur dhe te jetoje i lumtur duke thithur kokaine ne ndonje ishull perrallor! Ai duhet te futet ne burg dhe bashke me te te gjithe maskarenjte e Rilindjes ( burra e gra pa dallim! ) qe vodhen dhe u lane borxhe aq te medha mbi supe edhe femijeve shqiptare qe s’ kane lindur ende! Gjithashtu te gjithe ata “ biznesmene” dhe pronare mediash qe u fryne si shushunja gjate mbreterimit te Rames te kthejne mbrapsht cdo qindarke te vjedhur!
Kjo duhet te ndodhe jo vetem qe te behet drejtesi, por per te qene nje paralajmerim i forte per cilindo politikan tjeter qe do te qeverise kete vend ne te ardhmen. Nese jo, atehere nuk ia vlen fare asnje sakrifice e atyre mijera njerezve qe dalin ne shesh dhe kerkojne ndryshimin e ketij sistemi te korruptuar. Duhet me patjeter te ndryshoje kushtetuta dhe sistemi zgjedhor dhe ne te njejten kohe te garantohet ndershkrimi i hajduteve dhe krimineleve te cdo krahu politik pa dallim!

Arber12/06/2019 07:20

Ai I ka kushtuar vendit milliarda euro me lloj lloj marifetesh perfshire PPP-te. Breza te tere shqiptaresh jane zhytur në borxhe
Ai bashke me Veliajn duhet ti kalojne prapa hekurave vitet qe ju kane mbetur.

Skrapari11/06/2019 23:20

Jam dakord me komentin e z. Cim. Nuk duhet lejuar ne asnje rast jo Edvin qelbesira por cdo politikan qe ka futur duart ne xhepat e shqiptareve te largohet pa lagur. Sekuestrim i pasurise dhe pastaj burg i perjetshem. Kjo eshte rruga cdo forme tjeter eshte e papranueshme.

N11/06/2019 21:29

Asnjehere ne bote amnisti qe ky qelbesira te jetoje ne lluks fal djerses tone. Ti flit per obamen tend te dashur jo per kete.

Shqiptari11/06/2019 21:01

Z. Philips, hiqe paragrafin 1! Nuk eshte e drejte qe nje kryeminister qe i vjedh popullit te te tij rreth 1 miliard euro, i jep gjithe pasurite e vendit per 30-40 vjet pas ikjes se tij oligarkeve, prej te cileve do te marre ne vazhdimesi 20% te fitimeve te tyre dhe i fut buxhetit te shtetit edhe nje gjobe prej 140 milione euro dhe te iki i lumtur me duart plot dhe ballin lart!!!!!!! KURRE! vendi i tij eshte vetem BURGU prej 20 vjetesh.
Ndryshoje paragrafin 4. Zgjedhjet lokale te zhvillohen ne 13 Tetor 2019 dhe Zgjedhjet Parlamentare te zhvillohen ne 29 Mars 2020.
Une po shtoj edhe dy paragrafe: Paragrafi 5. Te gjithe ministrat e qeverise shume-partiake teknokrate duhet te shkarkojne te gjithe drejtorat e linjes se te gjitha niveleve deri tek nivelet e fundit te drejtorive neper qendrat lokale te njesive administrative (psh, drejtore shkollash). Te gjithe drejtuesit zevendesuesit teknokrate le te propozohen nga partite perkatese por te mos jene veprimtar aktiv partish.
Paragrafi 6. Administrata zgjedhore qe nga KQZ, KZAZ dhe deri tek komisionet e qendrave te votimit te jene persona civile, me integritet dhe te depolitizuar.

katunari11/06/2019 20:23

jam tamam dakort me ty cimo. po kto nderkomtaret i bojn ma lomsh punet ne shimicen e rasteve. se simos kti burrit dhe kshtu osht bo ka 30 vjet vidh miliona ene caj e hik pa dhon llogari. ky para te thyj qafen te anulloj i her gjith kocesjonet qi ka dhon

Bato11/06/2019 20:16

Dakort me cimin. Asnje politikan duhet te marre amnisti. Rama te shkoje ne te semes nese provohet qe ka vjedhur, eshte kumbar i krimit te organizuar etj etj. Ne te njejten kohe nuk ka dorezim pushteti ne tavoline vetem se opozita nuk do te marre pjese ne zgjedhje. Zgjidhje jane zgjedhjet pa kushte. Topin e kam une ...penalltine do e gjuaj vete nuk ka...

t11/06/2019 19:54

Sa mire arsyetoka zoteria,mbasi ramziu beri pislliqet e dynjase,vuri pasuri me dhjetra miliona euro,dhe mjafton te jape doreheqjen e te shkoje ne ekzil e te rroje si pasha,ndekohe qe popullin e ka fut 2 pashe nen dhe.jo zotni,jo,nqs vazhdon te jete ne fuqi akoma ky perbindesh i shkalluar,eshe per faj te drejtuesve te opozites,sepse ai duhej hedhur ne plehra qe me dt 16 shkurt,qe te behet mesim per kedo km qe do vije pas tij

vera11/06/2019 19:35


Cimi11/06/2019 19:25

Dakord zoti Phillips.
Gjithcka qe parashtroni ju duhet te ndodhe, perveç paragrafit te meposhtem.
"Rama duhet menjëherë të japër dorëheqjen si kryeministër. Në këtë mënyrë ai do të përfitonte imuntitet nga prokuroria e krimeve për të mos u hetuar në këmbim të një premtimi se ai do të heqë dorë nga politika tani e në vazhdim."
Kjo kurre nuk duhet te ndodhe, nuk duhet amnisti as per Rame, e as per asnje tjeter politikan shqiptare. Mjaft me. Nuk duhet te ndodhe qe kushdo qe ishte e do te vije ne pushtet, te vjedhe, te te kriminalizoje nje shtet, e ne fund te fundit, dikush do ta amnistoje e largohet pa asnje problem, e kusurin e jetes ta kaloje si nje shejk.
Kurre amnisti per askend qe ka pasur ne dore leket e shqiptareve.. KURRE..

Shto koment
