Meta appeals to MPs not to pass the law on cannabis legalization: It’s a debt Rama owes to the traffickers for the votes buy-out

Meta appeals to MPs not to pass the law on cannabis legalization: It’s a debt Rama owes to the traffickers for the votes buy-out

13:55, 29/06/2023
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Freedom Party Chairman Ilir Meta appealed to the Albanian Parliament Members not to pass the law on the legalization of the medical cannabis, saying it is a “debt Rama owes to the traffickers that helped him buy votes”.

“Albania is one of the main transit hubs of heroin and cocaine trafficking. The involvement of the Albanian criminal groups in the cocaine traffic in Europe since 2012 has increased significantly the competition, has reduced prices and improved the quality, helping in a significant raise of consume, a trend that became obvious after 2015”, said Meta.

“Albanian traffickers have direct links to Columbia, Bolivia, and other producing countries. This situation happens because the government has become one with the traffickers, and the police, especially the bosses, are deeply incriminated”.

“Right in this serious situation Rama is legalizing drugs, while Albania is considered internationally as Europe’s Columbia. The legalization of cannabis is a debt that Rama is paying back to the traffickers for the elections buy-out and stealing”.


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