Syri’s survey: 73.3 percent of respondents are against Basha’s decision to expel Berisha from parliamentary group

Syri’s survey: 73.3 percent of respondents are against Basha’s decision to expel Berisha from parliamentary group

12:32, 14/09/2021
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73.3 percent of the respondents in a survey organized by Syri TV and think the decision of Democratic Party Chairman Lulzim Basha to expel former chairman Sali Berisha from the parliamentary group is wrong.

23.3 percent think Basha’s decision is right and 3.3 percent did not have an opinion on the matter.

17,155 persons participated in the survey, with 4,001 of them in favor of Basha’s decision. A majority of 12,583 respondents said they were against the decision of the current chairman.

A TV survey a few days ago revealed that 70% of Democrats are against the decision of their chairman Lulzim Basha.


Lexo edhe:


Adrian Thimo14/09/2021 22:48

shqiperia eshte han me dy porta ku hyn deri dhe dosa, populli eshte i droguar nga demokracia e qeveritareve tane qe kane bere vetem 8 vjecaren dhe jane bere deputete qe po rrjepin popullin me taksa ,me ritjen e bukes se gojes ,me dritat, me ujin ,me ritjene analfetizmin,papunesine,duke ja bere te veshtire jetesen popullit ,

ZHIFKO14/09/2021 18:56

Doktorin e zune hakat e Sokol Olldashit. Po te rritesh kelyshin e ujkut per qen nje dite do te te versulet.

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