1 ton of cannabis seeds enter Albania with trade document as spinach seed

1 ton of cannabis seeds enter Albania with trade document as spinach seed

15:58, 23/03/2017
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A huge quantity of cannabis sativa seeds has been smuggled from Kosovo border to Albania, labeled as spinach seed. Sources from the National Food Authority (AKU) said it was 1 ton of cannabis seeds, adding that was not the first time it has happened, while AKU lets everything go without taking samples for analyses.

Following an order of AKU’s general director Dritan Sejko there have been more than 1200 inspections in 12 districts of the country, to guarantee the food safety in the markets. Sources told about a huge argument three days ago in the AKU executive because of a quantity of cannabis seeds that passed the border with documents as spinach seed.

It is understood the customs officials have been instructed to allow the load of “spinach”pass through the border into Albania. The rules clearly state that AKU officials must check all the products and seeds, taking samples and performing laboratory analyses.

© SYRI.net

Lexo edhe:


eli23/03/2017 23:19

S,ka ma keq se kaq ,ma mir te vdekun se jete ne nje vend ne kete menyre!

turi23/03/2017 17:06

1 ton fare e di se cdo te thote ? kushton 1 euro fara o zoterinj bejeni pak llogarine sa i bie

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