Basha’s harsh attack against Meta: Your Party Ltd. will go bankrupt after June 25, you are like the Merchant of Venice

Basha’s harsh attack against Meta: Your Party Ltd. will go bankrupt after June 25, you are like the Merchant of Venice

10:59, 03/06/2017
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha has responded with some very harsh words to President-elect Ilir Meta, telling him his party, the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI) will be in opposition on May 26. Basha labeled Meta’s pary as a limited company that will go bankrupt after the elections of June 25. Yesterday, Meta said in an electoral rally in Kamza that Basha and Rama will call LSI chairman Petrit Vasili on June 26th, implying they’d like to be in a coalition with the winners LSI.

The Democrat leader asked Meta to keep the ethics requested by the post of President that he will take officialy in a few weeks.

Basha compared Meta to Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice”, saying he was elected President owing to a bargain with Edi Rama.

“The new President’s election was the last bargain of the Old Republic. They both (Rama and Meta) sat with an expensive bottle of wine and that was it. Nobody else was asked”, Basha said today.

“Two people with wine and fish chose the President of the Old Republic. Now, since Rama mentioned Shakespeare, I’d like to remind one of Shakespeare’s works, “The Merchant of Venice”. I’d like to tell the Merchant of Venice that was elected President to take it calmly and lovingly the fact that his party Ltd. will go towards total bankruptcy  on June 25”, the Democrat chairman said.

“Do not violate the ethics, because you are the elected President. Let Petrit (Vasili) take the bill of failure of the ltd”.


Lexo edhe:


AlB404/06/2017 21:24

Marveshja e fundit Rama-Basha ka qene nje marveshje e domosdoshme per te eliminuar te keqen qe po i kanosej te ardhmes se vendit nga LSI. Vete e kam parashikuar qe para dy vjetesh se kjo marveshje duhej bere se ka qene nje domosdoshmeri ,po papjekuria politike e drejtuesit aktual te PD per te kuptuar rrrezikun qe i vinte per Shqiperise nga matrapazet e LSI .Eshte e rendesishme qe me ne fund te nenshkruhej kjo marveshje e sugjeruar nga partnere starategjike te Shqiperise eshte per tu pergezuar kryeministri aktual per kete marveshje. Po duket qarte se pas zgjedjeve do te kemi koalicion stabil te PS-PD cka do te jete nje sinjal i mire qe shenon fundin e partise matrapaze qe kemben 4 deputet me 4 ministri . Do te jete ne dore te PS-PD per te reformuar thellesisht administarten e korruptuar si dhe per te ndertu themelet per nje drejtesi te pa korruptuar ne vend.

Nderi mbi te gjitha04/06/2017 14:51

Kush do me shume Nderin e Familjes se sa Partine, voton NR 6.

Lulzimi03/06/2017 13:38

LSI eshte partia e pazareve dhe e skllaverimit te popullit; Vrapojne te rinj e te reja per Interes dhe zhyten ne kete parti, nga halli e nevoja per nje vend pune; veshtojne ishtepersekutuar , te djathte e te ekstremit te djathte por vetem per te marre nje vend pune; nuk kane faj duan te jetojne te shkretet, detyrohen te shesin ,,bindjet per kafshaten e imponuar'' kjo eshte LSI me e ndyre se PPSH! Por i erdhi fundi familjes mafioze e kriminale Meta se bashku me taborrin e tij . Miliona e miliarda te grabitura, depon e arit, hotele peseyjeshe, toka prona terrene komplekse marramendese neper plazhe te paprekura etj etj etj kane gllaberuar kjo force e ndyre politike. Por zullumi e ka nje fund... dhe fundi vjen me 26 qeshor Ciftit Meta, dhe gjithe atyre qe i shkojne pas si lakej!! nuk e kuptojne te ,,varferit'' Populli do marre fryme lirisht, vendet e punes do ndahen per te gjithe simbas aftesise dhe ato me pak te aftit sdo rrijne pa buk e si lypsar neser rruget e mbushura me kafe e lloto; LSI do shembet dhe Burgu i pret zullumqaret! Lulzim Basha nje ideator, patriot dhe Udheheqes i madh popullor do e sjelle driten per shqiptaret!

rednex03/06/2017 11:29

Te jesh me se i sigurte qe do ta bejne ate gje ose e kan ndermend te qeverisin bashke pastaj su duhet LSI..

Mira03/06/2017 11:04

Rrofte luli hajdut me patante. Flet ky.

Shkodran03/06/2017 11:01

Degjo ketu o Lulash,mos fol shume se vetem me Lsi,dhe Pdiu e hidhni Ramen.... lere LSI...behu i zgjuar,jo "Rilindas"....them se me kupton qa do thote me "Rilindas"...

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