Basha: A deputy’s mandate should be ended in the middle for broken promises, the same must apply for the Premier

Basha: A deputy’s mandate should be ended in the middle for broken promises, the same must apply for the Premier

09:26, 02/06/2017
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The Democratic Party (PD) opened the electoral campaign in Pogradec today, where chairman Lulzim Basha spoke about the broken promises of governments in the past years, saying he has found the solution:

"In the constitutional amendments, which are part of the political agreement, the first change will make possible the election of deputies directly by the citizens and, for any deputy that “forgets” their area, you will not wait four years, but you’ll be able to fire them right in the middle of their mandates”, Basha said. “As for me, the same rule must apply for the Prime Minister as well. This is an American model”.

“I will be your Prime Minister, not the Prime Minister of façades, wordplays, and reckless expenses. The New Republic is not merely my idea. It is the Republic of the European standards, where the politicians lower their heads in front of the citizens and not vice-versa”, Basha said. “A country where the citizens lower their heads can never be European”.

“In the New Republic you will hold all the power strings. In the constitutional amendments, which are part of the political agreement, the first change will make possible the election of deputies directly by the citizens and, for any deputy that “forgets” their area, you will not wait four years, but you’ll be able to fire them right in the middle of their mandates. As for me, the same rule must apply for the Prime Minister as well. This is an American model”.

“One comes to power and does not keep their promises? Then the people will end the contract like in any other relation. If you do not pay the power bills, OSHEE (the Albanian Power Distribution Operator) cuts it. If Edi Rama breaks his promises, then his contract must be terminated”.


    Lexo edhe:


    Turi03/06/2017 22:10

    I urojme bashes shume suksese dhe inshalla me suksese.Nje keshille per bashen eshte qe te beje spote televisive te gjitha pasojat e kesaj qeverie gjate ketyre viteve si dhunen ndaj njerzve per prishjen e prones arestimet per energjine elektrike largimin nga shqiperia tritolet qe plasnin perdite droga tenderat dhe vjedhjet e gjithe pasurise se shqiperise dhe kthimin e vendit nepermjet vetingut ne diktarura.Spotet televizive kane shume jehone dhe kemi rastin ne nentore te 2014 nepermjet spoteve per protesten e 22 nentorit u be protesta me e madhe dhe shkak u be edhe spotet .Te lutem shpjegojani bashes dhe berishes dhe mos e publikoni SMS.ZOTI U NDEROFTE.

    Studenti03/06/2017 17:47

    Komentuesi Iliri nuk paska kuptuar gje fare. Basha thote qe me ndryshimet kushtetuese deputeti do te zgjidhet drejtperdrejte nga populli ne nje zone te caktuar. Nese shumica e votuesve ne ate zone jane te pakenaqur nga deputeti, ata do te kene te drejten te kerkojne zgjedhje te parakohshme ne zonen e tyre per te zgjedhur nje deputet tjeter. Leri IQ Ilir dhe lexoje edhe njehere artikullin, mos lexo vetem titullin.

    E verteta03/06/2017 16:15


    E verteta03/06/2017 16:11


    AlB403/06/2017 12:08

    Po provohet dicka qe ka qene e pa qarte per demokratet e vertete mbi enigmen Luli i vocer ne krye te PD. Sa po duket ai qe ishte krijus i PD pra Dr. Sali Berisha po shkateron forcen e pare opozitare ne politiken Shqipetare. Nese Sali Berisha nuk eshte perfshi ne veprimet arbitrare te fundit te Lulit te vocer qe ka zbrit me katapult te Sali Berishes ne cdo pozicion politik qe ka qene atehere do te jete ne nderin e Sali Berishes te beje thirje per shkakimin e Lulit si kryetar pa portofol te PD. PD po hyn ne zgjedje si humbese ,ndaj nje humbje pa Lulin ne krye te PD do jete me efektive per PD me me shume mundesi per te rikonstrukturu cdo strukture te PD pas zgjedjeve.

    ta03/06/2017 08:13

    shumë kopetenca të dhanë ske faj.

    Iliri02/06/2017 11:43

    Si do shkarkohet deputeti? Do behen rivotime te pjesshme ne qarkun ku ai eshte zgjedhur...psh do dali e gjithe tirana ne votime te votoje qe kandidati i 8 ne listen e pd-se i ka mbajtur premtimet apo jo ? Do e shkarkoj partia? Do e shkarkoj parlamenti??.. se jo pergje lul por dhe nje person me IQ 20 e kupton qe 90% e atyre qe thua sbehen dot kurre. Mendohu para se te premtosh parajse!

    Shto koment
