Lulzim Basha’s explanation: Why Topalli, Bregu and Patozi are out of candidates list and why Sali Berisha is there

Lulzim Basha’s explanation: Why Topalli, Bregu and Patozi are out of candidates list and why Sali Berisha is there

21:48, 01/06/2017
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Democratic Party chairman Lulzim Basha justified the removal of several deputies from the lists of candidates for the new elections saying no one lasts eternally in politics.

Invited in “Top Story” on Top Channel, Basha was asked if with the lists he used the occasion to get rid of the critical voices against him, such as Jozefina Topalli, Majlinda Bregu and others.

“First, this is a tale invented by interested people. The fact they are out of the list does not mean I am a vindictive person. Second, no one has occupied somebody else’s place. No one is eternal in politics, it’s time to promote new people. I am not eternal either”, Basha said.

Asked why former Premier Sali Berisha is on the list, considering the majority of his government has been left out, Basha said: “Sali Berisha is there as a candidate that has announced all leading functions. In this sense, one may see him as a symbolic of the Democratic Party, as someone who has given so much for democracy and he absolutely has a place on the list as a common deputy of PD”.


Lexo edhe:


Emigranti02/06/2017 14:46

Zoti basha mos u dekurajo nga sulmet eshte fushate do te mundohen te te nxijne nga te gjitha anet mbaji premtimet qe po ben nqs vjen ne pushyet e shiko si do te struken minjete e mocaleve.

Studenti02/06/2017 13:47

Marjan, mbaje veten se nuk u permbys bota se do iki Rama nga pushteti. Me mire do te behet. PD-ja nuk ka patur nevoje kurre per voten tende.

kukesi ka burra02/06/2017 13:06

Gjithmone ne politike ju keni sulmuar kundershtaret me te fuqishem si te mbijetoni ne politike !!! Pse nuk e vure qadren ne shesh kur qindra shqipetare moren rrugen e azilantit,qindra te tjere u burgosen ,se nuk kishin mundesite ekonomike te paguanin energjine elektrike.qindra te tjere bene edhe vetvrasje !!! Kjo nuk u interesoj aspak juve.Sapo u permend vetingu ju vepruat ,vepruat per te mbrojtur interesat dhe pasurite tuaja !!!

marjani01/06/2017 23:34

Te dhjefsha fytin o Lulezim!! Nuk te dhjet me as Rama, te beje debat televiziv me ty!!! Ja arrite te na clirosh nga detyrimi hyjnor qe te votonim PD deri ne vdekje!!!

Demokrati vjeter01/06/2017 23:26

Fol troç o Lul Basha e mos ki komplekse. Thuaj: Sali Berisha sot mbas 4 vjetësh në opozitë ka 1.061.873 ndjekës (miq) në Facebook. Sikur gjysma e tyre të votoj PD për hatër të doktorit, i bie që Edi Rama merr gjysëm milioni shuplaka vetëm nga Sala. Pa Salën, PD i shef numrin e fanellës edhe çiftit çam Doda-Idrizi :)

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