Democrats arrested in protest shout ‘Basha go’ during the trial session

Democrats arrested in protest shout ‘Basha go’ during the trial session

10:54, 12/01/2022
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The Democrats that were detained during the last Saturday’s rally at the Democratic Party headquarters continued their protest inside Tirana’s Court today. Put behind safety bars, the defendants repeated calls against disgraced chairman Lulzim Basha with shouts “Basha go”, appealing him to leave the party.

The Albanian rapper Stresi was among the defendants, even though the prosecutor has written there is no proof of him being involved in any offense during the protest rally.

Democrat members and MPs Edmond Spaho, Klevis Balliu, Oerd Bylykbashi, Aldo Bumçi, and Albana Vokshi were present in the courtroom to support the defendants.



Lexo edhe:


trimi12/01/2022 10:56

mos u nenshtroni o popull

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